Displays the current encoder temperature.
EncTemper[Joint number]
- Joint number
- Specify the joint number as an integer value of 1 to 9 or an expression.
The additional S axis is 8 and T axis is 9.
Displays the current encoder temperature in degrees Celsius.
If joint numbers are omitted, encoder temperatures for all axes are displayed.
If a robot or joint number that does not support encoder temperature acquisition is specified, “-1000” is displayed.
- The sensor used to obtain temperatures with this command is not calibrated.
- Use it to see relative temperature changes and understand the trends.
See Also
EncTemper Function
Example of using EncTemper
In this example, temperatures of all axes are displayed.
> EncTemper
31.21 32.82 ’Joint #1 Joint #2
31.45 33.28 ’Joint #3 Joint #4
32.76 32.87 ’Joint #6 Joint #5
-1000.00 -1000.00 ’Joint #7 Joint #8
-1000.00 ’Joint #9
In this example, the encoder temperature of Joint #1 is displayed.
> EncTemper 1