
When using the commercially available vision sensors or image processing systems, instead of our Vision Guide, it is necessary to calibrate the image processing result (image coordinate system, camera coordinate system) with the robot coordinate system. This chapter describes the calibration procedure.

The figure below shows commands and functions related to calibration and behaviors of data and files.

The vision calibration data can be created in the following steps.

  1. Camera Installation
  2. Create the image processing sequence for calibration(in each vision sensor)
  3. Teach the robot position for calibration at necessary parts
  4. Perform image processing at necessary parts and acquire the image processing result.
  5. Execute calibration (VxCalib command)
  6. Save calibration data (VxCalSave command)


If you are using our Vision Guide option, refer to the "Vision Guide manual". Calibration with the Vision Guide option can be configured by the wizard easily.


We cannot answer the questions regarding communication settings and usage for commercial vision sensors. Please contact the manufacture directly.