CameraBrightness Property

Applies To
Vision Sequence

Specifies the brightness setting for the camera used in the current sequence.


VGet  Sequence.CameraBrightness, var
VSet  Sequence.CameraBrightness, value
Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
Integer value or expression for the new value of the property.

Integer value from 0 - 255

Camera Default
NET 1044 BU 128
NET 4133 BU / CU 128
NET 1500 BU / CU 128
acA640-100gm 16
acA640-120gm 16
acA1300-60gm 128
acA1600-20gm / gc 16
acA1600-60gm / gc 128
acA2500-14gm / gc 32
acA2500-20gm / gc 0
acA3800-10gm / gc 32 / 0
acA5472-5gm / gc 0

The CameraBrightness property is normally left at the default value. When a new sequence is created, the default CameraBrightness value is set for the current camera.

Before changing CameraBrightness, try adjusting the lighting and aperature of the lens to obtain the desired brightness. If additional adjustment is necessary, then change the CameraBrightness value.

The CameraBrightness property can have values in the range of 0 - 255, with higher values giving more brightness.

See Also
Camera Property, CameraContrast Property, Vision Sequences