Contrast Result

Applies To
Vision Objects: ArcFinder, ArcInspector, BoxFinder, CornerFinder, Edge, LineFinder, LineInspector

Returns the contrast of the found edge.


VGet  Sequence.Object.Contrast[(result)], var
Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Name of an object or integer variable containing an object name
The object must exist in the specified sequence.
Real variable that will contain the value of the result.
Optional integer result number from 1 to the NumberOfResults property. If omitted, the result number is the CurrentResult.

Integer number from 0–255

Contrast is the difference in grayscale values between an edge and its background. Contrast can help find weaker edges. First, find the edge you want to search for and record the contrast value. Next, set the ContrastTarget property to this value. Then set the ScoreWeightContrast to a higher value that ScoreWeightStrength. This tells the Edge object to look for an edge with the desired contrast and base the score on it. For ArcFinder, ArcInspector, LineFinder, LineInspector objects, the Contrast result is the average contrast of all edges used in the search.

See Also
ArcFinder Object, ArcInspector Object, ContrastTarget Property, ContrastVariation Property, Edge Object, LineFinder Object, LineInspector Object, BoxFinder Object, CornerFinder Object