Check Items When Stopped Due to Safety Limited Speed (SLS)
How to reset
As the robot makes an emergency stop, the excessive speed is automatically resolved. Refer to the following and release the emergency stop.
“How to reset an error that occurred during an emergency stop”
If the robot makes an unexpected emergency stop due to the Safety Limited Speed (SLS), refer to the manual below and make the following checks.
“Safety Function Manual - Setting Safety Function Parameters Related to Safety Limited Speed (SLS)”
Check 1: Is the robot speed controlled to a value not exceeding the monitoring speed set in the Safety Function Manager (*)?
Check 2: Are the safety function parameter settings related to Safety Limited Speed (SLS) set in the Safety Function Manager correct?
*: The speed of the monitored part can be displayed with SF_PeakSpeedS/SF_RealSpeedS/PeakSpeed. Refer to the speed displayed by these commands and control the robot's operating speed to not exceed the monitoring speed. The robot operating speed can be set using Speed, SpeedS, or SpeedFactor.
Example of reducing the speed by explicitly changing the Speed setting value when SLS_1 is enabled:
If (SF_GetStatus(1) And &H1) Then ' Check if SLS_1 is enabled or disabled
Speed 10 ' If enabled, set Speed to 10
Go P1 ' Go to P1
Speed 100 ' Reset to original Speed (in this case, 100)