Check Items When Stopped Due to Safety Limited Position (SLP)
How to reset
It is necessary to move the robot so that each monitored part of the robot and their monitoring ranges do not touch or enter the walls and areas set by the Safety Limited Position (SLP) of the Safety Function Manager. Refer to the following and release the emergency stop. Use any of the methods to move the robot monitored part.
“How to reset an error that occurred during an emergency stop”
Moving method 1: Change the safety input state to disable the target Safety Limited Position (SLP), and jog the robot.
Moving method 2: Change to TEACH mode on the Teach Pendant, and jog the robot.
Moving method 3: Release the motor brake and manually move the robot. For details about how to release the brake, refer to the following manual: “Manipulator Manual”
Modify the program so that each monitored part of the robot and their monitoring ranges do not touch or enter the walls and areas set by the Safety Limited Position (SLP). (*)
Make sure that the Safety Limited Position (SLP) settings are correct in the Safety Function Manager.
Example of avoiding intrusion into the Safety Limited Position (SLP) via a waypoint when SLS_A is enabled:
Go P1 ' Go to P1
If (SF_GetStatus(2) And &H1) Then ' Check if SLS_A is enabled or disabled
Go P3 ' Go via P3 waypoint if enabled
Go P2 ' Go to P2