Property setting guideline for SPELFunc object
Step 1. Set basic information
Set properties (Name, Description, Enabled, StepID, AbortSeqOnFail) related to the basic information.
Properties | Description, setting guide |
Name | This property sets names of force guide objects. Set a particular name. |
Description | This property sets descriptions about force guide objects. Describe the operations. Set a character string. |
Enabled | Set whether to execute the force guide object. |
True : Normal | |
False : When you do not execute the force guide object (e.g., when you execute another force guide object instead). | |
StepID | StepID during the force guide object execution. Set an ID. StepID is an ID which is recorded in the log data. It helps you to understand which log data support a process. It is applied when AutoStepID of the force guide sequence is False. |
AbortSeqOnFail | It is whether to abort or continue the force guide sequence when the force guide object fails. SPELFunc object is failed when the return value of the SPELFunc to be executed is False. |
True : Normal End a force guide sequence. | |
False : Cases where the force guide sequence contains recovery operations in case of failure; cases where the sequence will be able to continue even in the event of a failure. |
Step 2. Set a function to be executed
Set a property (FuncName) related to a function to be executed.
Properties | Description, setting guide |
FuncName | Set a SPELFunc name to be executed. As the example below, a function to be specified by SPELFunc object must have a string type variable for an argument and the return value type must be Boolean. |
Function MyFunc(ObjectName$ As String) As Boolean
MyFunc = True