J1_Enabled, J2_Enabled, J3_Enabled, J4_Enabled, J5_Enabled, J6_Enabled Property

Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#

Independently activates/inactivates or returns the force motion restriction function of the axis position.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.XX_Enabled, bVar
FSet Object.XX_Enabled, bValue

  • Object
    Object name

  • XX
    A character string defining the name of the property

  • bVar
    A Boolean variable defining the value of the property

  • bValue
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property


Specified Axis Description
J1 Specifies J1 as an axis position.
J2 Specifies J2 as an axis position.
J3 Specifies J3 as an axis position.
J4 Specifies J4 as an axis position.
J5 Specifies J5 as an axis position.
J6 Specifies J6 as an axis position.


Constant name Values Description
False 0 Inactivates the subject axis. (default)
True -1 Activates the subject axis.

Detailed Explanation
Independently activates/inactivates, or returns the force motion restriction function for axis position.

Usage Example
The following is an example of activate force motion restriction function of J1 axis position for the force motion restriction object.

> FSet FMR1.J1_Enabled, True

See Also
Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#