LastExecObject Result

Returns the name of the force guide object that was executed at the end for force guide sequence.

FGGet Sequence.LastExecObject, sVar$

  • Sequence
    Force guide sequence name or string variable representing force guide sequence name

  • sVar$
    String variable defining the returned value

Detailed Explanation
Returns the name of the force guide object that was executed at the end for force guide sequence. When the force guide sequence fails, you can acquire that the program had proceeded to which force guide object.

Usage Example
The following is an example of a simple program that acquires a result with FGGet.

Function LastExecObjectTest
  String sVar$
  Motor On

  FGRun Sequence1
  FGGet Sequence1.LastExecObject, sVar$  ' Acquire LastExecObject
  Print sVar$


See Also
FGGet, GeneralPurpose sequence, Paste sequence, ScrewTighten sequence, HeightInspect sequence, Insert sequence