LimitedStatus Result

Returns the limit result for the limit condition of dedicated object.

FGGet Sequence.Object.LimitedStatus, iVar

  • Sequence
    Force guide sequence name or string variable representing force guide sequence name

  • Object
    Force guide sequence name or string variable representing force guide sequence name

  • iVar
    Integer variable that shows a returned value


Bit Results
0 Achievement status of the force limit condition
1 Achievement status of the position limit condition

The value of each Bit
0: Not met
1: Met

Detailed Explanation
Returns the limit result for the limit condition of dedicated object.
Each dedicated object can use some of force limit conditions and position limit conditions. The LimitedStatus result sets the corresponding bit to “1” if a condition is achieved, or “0” if a condition is not achieved. If either bit becomes “1”, the robot will immediately cease operation, and executed objects will be terminated. This result is used for branch processing according to which conditions are achieved.

Usage Example
The following is an example of a simple program that acquires a result with FGGet.

Function LimitedStatusTest
  Integer iVar

  Motor On
  FGRun Sequence1

  FGGet Sequence1.Paste01.LimitedStatus, iVar  ' Acquire LimitedStatus
  ElseIf (iVar And &H02) <> 0 Then             ' Processing when force-related condition is achieved


See Also
FGGet, paste object, screw tightening object, retightening screw object, HeightInspect object, insertion object, tensile test object