LPF_Enabled Property

Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Monitor Object FM#

This activates/inactivates or returns the status of the low-pass filter in each axis of the force coordinate system.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.LPF_Enabled, bArray()
FSet Object.LPF_Enabled, bValueFx, bValueFy, bValueFz, bValueTx, bValueTy, bValueTz [,bValueFmag, bValueTmag]

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as either of FT (numerical value), FT (label), FM (numerical value), or FM (label).

  • bArray()
    The maximum number of elements defining the value of the property is an array of 6 or more Boolean variables

  • bValueFx
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueFy
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueFz
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueTx
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueTy
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueTz
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueFmag
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueFmag
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property


Element number Element number constant Description
0 FG_FX Activates/inactivates the Fx low-pass filter.
1 FG_FY Activates/inactivates the Fy low-pass filter.
2 FG_FZ Activates/inactivates the Fz low-pass filter.
3 FG_TX Activates/inactivates the Tx low-pass filter.
4 FG_TY Activates/inactivates the Ty low-pass filter.
5 FG_TZ Activates/inactivates the Tz low-pass filter.
6 FG_FMAG Activates/inactivates the Fmag resultant force low-pass filter.
7 FG_TMAG Activates/inactivates the Tmag resultant torque low-pass filter.

Note: When the number of elements is an array of 6 or 7 variables, only the element number settings 0 to 5 are acquired.

bValueFx, bValueFy, bValueFz, bValueTx, bValueTy, bValueTz, bValueFmag, bValueTmag

Name of Constants Values Description
False 0 Sets the low-pass filter to inactive. (default)
True -1 Sets the low-pass filter to active.

Detailed Explanation
This activates/inactivates or returns the status of the low-pass filter in the specified axes of the force coordinate system.
It activate/inactivate the following settings.

bValueFx: Fx bValueFy: Fy bValueFz: Fz
bValueTx: Tx bValueTy: Ty bValueTz: Tz
bValueFmag: Fmag bValueTmag :Tmag

The signal noise reduction can be enhanced when the low-pass filter is activated, but the following performance for quick signal changes deteriorates.
The low-pass filter is used with AvgForces Status, PeakForces Status, the Force Trigger Function, Force Monitor, and Force Control Monitor Function, but is not used with Forces Status.

Usage Example
This example sets the low-pass filter and acquires the value when the maximum absolute value is attained for torque.

Function GetPeakForces
  Real myPeakForces(6)
  FSet FCS1.Orientation, FG_TOOL
  FSet FM1.CoordinateSystem, FCS1
  FSet FM1.LPF_Enabled, True, True, True, True, True, True
  FSet FM1.LPF_TimeConstants, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02
  FSet FM1.PeakForceClear, True, True, True, True, True, True
  Wait 10
  FGet FM1.PeakForces, myPeakForces()
  Print myPeakForces (FG_TX), myPeakForces (FG_TY), myPeakForces (FG_TZ)

See Also
Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Monitor Object FM#