LimitSpeedSRJ Property

Force Control Object FC#

Sets or returns the maximum values of joint velocity, tool position modification velocity, and tool orientation modification velocity with force control active.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.LimitSpeedSRJ, rArray()
FSet Object.LimitSpeedSRJ, rValueS, rValueR, rValueJ

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as either of FC (numerical value) or FC (label).

  • rArray()
    The maximum element number defining the value of the property is an array of 3 or more real number variables

  • rValueS
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property

  • rValueR
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property

  • rValueJ
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property


Element number Element number constant Description
0 FG_LIMIT_S Maximum tool position modification velocity
1 FG_LIMIT_R Maximum tool orientation modification velocity
2 FG_LIMIT_J Maximum joint velocity

rValueS (Unit: [mm/sec])

Minimum 0.1
Maximum 2000

Default: 50

rValueR (Unit: [deg/sec])

Minimum 0.1
Maximum 1000

Default: 25

rValueJ (Unit: [%])

Minimum 0.1
Maximum 100

Default: 50

Detailed Explanation
Sets or returns the maximum values of joint velocity, tool position modification velocity, and tool orientation modification velocity with force control active.
For details, refer to the following manual.LimitSpeedJ Property LimitSpeedR Property LimitSpeedS Property

See Also
Force Control Object FC#, LimitSpeedJ Property, LimitSpeedR Property, LimitSpeedS Property