I/O Signal Functions

By default, remote functions are assigned to the I/O of input numbers 0 to 7 and output numbers 0 to 8.
To change the function assignments from the default settings, the settings must be made using Epson RC+.
An expansion I/O board or Fieldbus I/O board is required to output all functions.


Remote input enables external operation of Manipulators and Controllers by inputting signals when valid conditions specified for each function are met.
To be able to accept remote input from an external source, the control device must be set to remote in addition to assigning the remote function. "AutoMode output" is turned on when the remote input can be accepted from an external source.
Signals other than "SelProg" execute their respective functions when the input acceptance condition is satisfied at the rising edge of the signal. Functions are performed automatically, and so there is no need to create special programs.


  • If an error occurs, execute "Reset" to clear the error state before executing a remote input command. Use "Error output" and "Reset input" to allow the remote device to monitor and clear error states.
  • If remote input commands do not meet the input acceptance condition, a CmdError signal outputs. The CmdError signal is not set to remote I/O output signal by default. When you use the remote function, set the CmdError signal to the remote I/O output signal.
Function Name Default Description Input Acceptance Condition (*1)
Start 0 Execute the function selected in SelProg (*2) (*3)

Ready output ON

Error output OFF

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

SelProg1 1 Specify Main function number to be executed (*2) -
SelProg2 2
SelProg4 3
SelProg8 Not set
SelProg16 Not set
SelProg32 Not set
Stop 4 Abort all tasks and commands -
Pause 5 Pause all tasks (*4) Running output ON
Continue 6 Resume paused task

Paused output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

Reset 7 Emergency stop reset and error reset (*5) Ready output ON
Shutdown Not set Shut down system -
ForcePowerLow Not set

Operate under a forced low power function

Robot operates at low power

Does not accept Power High control by commands, etc.

Performs the following operations depending on Controller environment settings

Stop or pause all tasks and commands (*6)


This input is accepted even when AutoMode output is OFF.

SelRobot Not set Change output conditions for MotorsOn, AtHome, PowerHigh, and MCalReqd (*7) -






Not set Specify robot number to execute command (*8) -
SetMotorOn Not set Robot motor ON (*8) (*9)

Ready output ON

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

SetMotorOff input OFF

SetMotorOff Not set Robot motor OFF (*8) Ready output ON
SetPowerHigh Not set Set robot power mode to High (*8)

Ready output ON

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

SetPowerLow input OFF

SetPowerLow Not set Set robot power mode to Low (*8) Ready output ON
Home Not set Move robot arm to user-defined home position

Ready output ON

Error output OFF

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

MotorsOn output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

MCal Not set Run MCal (*8) (*10)

Ready output ON

Error output OFF

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

MotorsOn output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

Recover Not set Perform a recovery operation to the position when the safeguard was opened after the safeguard was closed

Paused output ON

Error output OFF

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

RecoverReqd output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

ResetAlarm Not set Reset alarm (*11) -




Not set Specify alarm number to reset (*12) -
ALIVE Not set

Input signal for alive monitoring of the Controller

The same signal as the input is output to the output-side ALIVE. The master device can perform alive monitoring of the Controller by periodically switching inputs and checking output signals.


(*1) "AutoMode output" ON is omitted because it is a common input acceptance condition for all.
(*2) "Start input" executes the function specified by the 6 bits "SelProg1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32."

Function Name SelProg1 SelProg2 SelProg4 SelProg8 SelProg16 SelProg32
Main 0 0 0 0 0 0
Main1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Main2 0 1 0 0 0 0
Main3 1 1 0 0 0 0
Main60 0 0 1 1 1 1
Main61 1 0 1 1 1 1
Main62 0 1 1 1 1 1
Main63 1 1 1 1 1 1

0=OFF, 1=ON

(*3) Do not run the Restart command of the SPEL+ program and the remote input Start signal at the same time. Running programs in duplicate may cause a 2503 error to occur.

(*4) "NoPause task" and "NoEmgAbort task" do not pause.
For details, refer to the following manual or online help.
"Epson RC+ Language Reference - Pause"

(*5) I/O outputs are also turned off and robot parameters are initialized.

(*6) This performs all tasks and commands, robot power modes, and PowerHigh command operations according to the setting values in the Controller environment settings.
Environment settings (1): "Low power at ForcePowerLow signal OFF"
Environment settings (2): "Pause tasks at ForcePowerLow signal change"
For details on Controller environment settings, refer to the following manual.
"Epson RC+ User's Guide - [Setup] - [System Configuration] - [Controller] - [Preferences] under [System Configuration] Command (Setup Menu)."

Environment settings (1) Environment settings (2) ForcePowerLow Signal Change All tasks and commands Robot power mode PowerHigh command
0 0 1->0 Stop Low only Accept
0 0 0->1 Stop Low only Not accepted
0 1 1->0 Operation continues High/Low Accept
0 1 0->1 Pause Low only Not accepted
1 0 1->0 Stop Low only Not accepted
1 0 0->1 Stop Low only Accept
1 1 1->0 Pause Low only Not accepted
1 1 0->1 Operation continues High/Low Accept

(*7) This switches the output conditions for MotorsOn, AtHome, PowerHigh, and MCalReqd.
The conditions are selected using SelRobot-SelRobot16, and this signal can be set to switch the output conditions.
Once a selection is made, the condition is retained until it is switched again or until the Controller is turned off and restarted. The default is all robots selected.

(*8) If multiple robots are connected to the Controller, the value specified by the 5 bits "SelRobot1, 2, 4, 8, 16" corresponds to the robot number.

Robot No. SelRobot1 SelRobot2 SelRobot4 SelRobot8 SelRobot16
0(All) 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0
3 1 1 0 0 0
13 1 0 1 1 0
14 0 1 1 1 0
15 1 1 1 1 0
16 0 0 0 0 1

0=OFF, 1=ON

(*9) Robot parameters are also initialized.
For details, refer to the following manual or online help.
"Epson RC+ Language Reference - Motor"

(*10) For details, refer to the following manual or online help.
"Epson RC+ Language Reference - MCal"

(*11) The conditions are selected using SelAlarm1-SelAlarm8, and this signal can be set to clear a specified alarm.

(*12) The value specified by the 4 bits of "SelAlarm1, 2, 4, 8" corresponds to the alarm number.

Alarm Number Alarm Target SelAlarm1 SelAlarm2 SelAlarm4 SelAlarm8
1 Controller battery 1 0 0 0
2 - 0 1 0 0
3 Manipulator grease 1 1 0 0
4 - 0 0 1 0
5 - 1 0 1 0
6 - 0 1 1 0
7 - 1 1 1 0
8 - 0 0 0 1
9 - 1 0 0 1

0=OFF, 1=ON

For the greasing locations, refer to the following manual.
"Manipulator Manual"


Remote output is a function that outputs the current Manipulator status, Controller status, and operation mode to an external device from the Controller.
Remote output always outputs the status of the assigned function externally, regardless of the control device settings. Output is performed automatically, and so there is no need to create a special program.

Function Name Default Description
Ready 0 ON when Controller startup is complete and no tasks are running
Running 1

ON when task is running

However, OFF when "Paused output" is ON

Paused 2 ON when paused task is present
Error 3

ON when error has occurred

"Reset input" is required to recover from an error state. (*1)

EStopOn Not set

OFF except in emergency stop state

ON in emergency stop state

OFF in Controller power off state (*2)(*3)

SafeguardOn 5 ON when safeguard is open
SError 6

ON when a critical error has occurred

If a critical error has occurred, it cannot be recovered using "Reset input." The Controller must be restarted. (*1)

Warning 7

ON when warning has occurred

Even if a warning has occurred, the task can be executed as usual. However, take corrective action to address the cause of the warning as soon as possible. (*1)

EStopOff 8

ON except in an emergency stop state

OFF in emergency stop state

OFF in Controller power off state (*3)

MotorsOn Not set ON when robot motors are turned on (*4)
AtHome Not set ON when robot is in home position (*4)
PowerHigh Not set ON when robot power mode is High (*4)
MCalReqd Not set ON when robot has not performed MCal (*4)
RecoverReqd Not set ON when even one robot is waiting to perform the recovery operation after the safeguard was closed
RecoverInCycle Not set ON when the recovery operation is running for at least one robot
WaitingRC Not set ON when Controller is waiting for connection to RC+
CmdRunning Not set ON during input command execution
CmdError Not set ON when input command was not accepted







Not set Outputs the main function number running or last executed (*5)
AutoMode Not set ON when remote input can be accepted (*6)
TeachMode Not set ON when in TEACH mode (*3)
TestMode Not set ON when in TEST mode
EnableOn Not set ON when enable switch is on (*3)
ErrorCode1 to ErrorCode8192 Not set Output the error number
InsideBox1 to InsideBox15 Not set ON when robot is inside the entry detection area (*7)
InsidePlane1 to InsidePlane15 Not set ON when robot is on the entry detection plane (*8)
Alarm Not set ON when an alarm has occurred (*9)
Alarm1 Not set ON when Controller battery alarm has occurred (*10)
Alarm2 Not set ON when robot battery alarm has occurred (*10)
Alarm3 Not set ON when robot grease alarm has occurred (*10) (*11)
Alarm4 Not set Reserved
Alarm5 Not set Reserved
Alarm6 Not set Reserved
Alarm7 Not set Reserved
Alarm8 Not set Reserved
Alarm9 Not set Reserved
PositionX Not set Outputs the current X-coordinate in the world coordinate system. (*12) (*13)
PositionY Not set Outputs the current Y-coordinate in the world coordinate system. (*12) (*13)
PositionZ Not set Outputs the current Z-coordinate in the world coordinate system. (*12) (*13)
PositionU Not set Outputs the current U-coordinate in the world coordinate system. (*12) (*13)
PositionV Not set Outputs the current V-coordinate in the world coordinate system. (*12) (*13)
PositionW Not set Outputs the current W-coordinate in the world coordinate system. (*12) (*13)
Torque1 Not set Outputs the current torque value of Joint #1. (*12) (*13)
Torque2 Not set Outputs the current torque value of Joint #2. (*12) (*13)
Torque3 Not set Outputs the current torque value of Joint #3. (*12) (*13)
Torque4 Not set Outputs the current torque value of Joint #4. (*12) (*13)
Torque5 Not set Outputs the current torque value of Joint #5. (*12) (*13)
Torque6 Not set Outputs the current torque value of Joint #6. (*12) (*13)
CPU Not set Outputs the CPU load rate for the user program. (*14)
ESTOP Not set Outputs the number of times that an emergency stop has been performed.
ALIVE Not set

Output signal for alive monitoring of the Controller

Outputs the signal that was input by the input-side ALIVE. The master device can perform alive monitoring of the Controller by periodically switching inputs and checking output signals.

ForceControlOn Not set ON when robot is running the force control function (*4)
ExtCmdGet Not set

Extended remote IO command.

For details, refer to the following manual.

"Remote Control Reference - Remote I/O to Be Used"

ExtRespSet Not set
ExtCmdResult Not set
ExtError Not set
ExtResp_0-15 Not set
ExtResp_16-31 Not set
ExtResp_32-47 Not set
ExtResp_48-63 Not set
ExtResp_64-79 Not set
ExtResp_80-95 Not set
ExtResp_96-111 Not set
ExtResp_112-127 Not set

(*1) The correspondence between Error, SError, and Warning outputs and the corresponding status/error numbers are shown below.

Output Function Name Error Numbers
Error 1000~8999
SError 9000~9999
Warning 410~999

For details on status numbers/error numbers, refer to the following manual.
"Status Code/Error Code List"

(*2) EStopOn is not recommended because the outputs for the emergency stop and Controller power off states do not match. To output the emergency stop state, assign EStopOff.

(*3) Do not the following signals for safety-related functions. The signals do not meet Cat 3&PLd.
EStopOn, EStopOff, TeachMode, EnableOn

(*4) The following output is produced under the conditions selected by SelRobot. After switching the conditions by SelRobot, wait 40 ms before inputting the data.

Function Name State of SelRobot1-SelRobot16 at SelRobot Input
0: Selects All Robots 1 to 16: Selects Robot Number
MotorsOn ON when any of the robot's motors is on ON when the selected robot motor is on
AtHome ON when all robots are at the home position ON when the selected robot is at the home position
PowerHigh ON when the power mode for any robot is High ON when the power mode of the selected robot is High
MCalReqd ON when any robot has not performed MCal ON when the selected robot has not performed MCal

(*5) Outputs the function number that is being executed or was last executed using the 6 bits of "CurrProg1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32."

Function Name CurrProg1 CurrProg2 CurrProg4 CurrProg8 CurrProg16 CurrProg32
Main 0 0 0 0 0 0
Main1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Main2 0 1 0 0 0 0
Main3 1 1 0 0 0 0
Main60 0 0 1 1 1 1
Main61 1 0 1 1 1 1
Main62 0 1 1 1 1 1
Main63 1 1 1 1 1 1

0=OFF, 1=ON

(*6) Remote input can be accepted in the following two cases:

  • When in automatic operation mode and the control device is remote
  • When in program mode and remote I/O is enabled

(*7) For details, refer to the following manual or online help.
"Epson RC+ Language Reference - Box"

(*8) For details, refer to the following manual or online help.
"Epson RC+ Language Reference - Plane"

(*9) This is set to ON whenever Controller alarm information or robot alarm information is present.

(*10) The occurrence of the battery alarm and grease alarm is monitored in five-minute cycles, and so the output timing is different from the occurrence of Controller alarms.
The output may occur up to five minutes after the Controller alarm occurs.
Alarm is turned on when the Controller or Manipulator battery alarm or grease alarm occurs when "Maintenance" is enabled. For details on Maintenance, refer to the following section.
Alarm Function

(*11) For the greasing locations, refer to the following manual.
"Manipulator Manual"

(*12) If SelRobot1, SelRobot2, SelRobot4, SelRobot8, or SelRobot16 is set, information on the selected robot is output. If nothing is set, information on robot 1 is output.

(*13) This is output in Real format.

(*14) The total user-created task load ratio is output. For the CPU load ratio, see the Task Manager.