JT Function

Returns the status of the most recent Jump, Jump3, JumpTLZ, or Jump3CP instruction for the current robot.


Return Values
JT returns a long with the following bits set or clear:

  • Bit 0: Set to 1 when rising motion has started or rising distance is 0.
  • Bit 1: Set to 1 when horizontal motion has started or horizontal distance is 0.
  • Bit 2: Set to 1 when descent motion has started or descent distance is 0.
  • Bit 16: Set to 1 when rising motion has completed or rising distance is 0.
  • Bit 17: Set to 1 when horizontal motion has completed or horizontal distance is 0.
  • Bit 18: Set to 1 when descent motion has completed or descent distance is 0.

Use JT to determine the status of the most recent Jump command that was stopped before completion by Sense, Till, abort, etc.

See Also
JS, Jump, Jump3, Jump3CP, JumpTLZ, Sense, Till

JT Function Example

Function SearchTill As Boolean

    Till Sw(5) = On

    Jump P0
    Jump P1 Till
    If JT And 4 Then
        Print "Motion stopped during descent"
        SearchTill = TRUE