Outputting the Safety Function Parameters to Text

To output the configured safety function parameters to the Robot Controller as text, implement the SPEL program as shown in the example below.

Function main
	Integer fileNum, i, j

	fileNum = FreeFile
	WOpen "c:\EpsonRC70\SFParam.csv" As #fileNum
	' Outputs parameters acquired by the SF_GetParam$ function as text
	Print #fileNum, "index,value"
	For i = 1 To 7
	Print #fileNum, Str$(i) + "," + SF_GetParam$(i)
	Next i
	' Outputs parameters acquired by the SF_GetParam function as text
	Print #fileNum, "index,value"
	For j = 1 To 174
	Print #fileNum, Str$(j) + "," + Str$(SF_GetParam(j))
	Next j

	Close #fileNum


For details on the SF_GetParam$ function, which returns safety function parameters, and the SF_GetParam function (index corresponding to each safety function parameter), refer to the following manual.

"Epson RC+ Language Reference"