Changing the Safety Board Password
This function changes the safety board password.
- The safety board password must be changed by the safety manager.
On the [Maintenance] screen, select [Password].
Enter the current safety board password in [Current Password] and the new safety board password you want to set in [New password] and [Confirm Password], and then click [Update].
The Robot Controller is restarted.
The safety board password must be eight characters or longer, but no more than 15 characters long. The characters that can be used are as follows:
Half-width uppercase alphabetic characters: A to Z
Half-width lowercase alphabetic characters: a to z
Half-width numbers: 0 to 9
Half-width symbols: (space) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ { | } ~
- After the Robot Controller has restarted, start Safety Function Manager.
- If an incorrect safety board password is entered three times, Safety Function Manager shuts down and the Robot Controller is restarted. At this time, the settings are not changed.
- The safety board password is always required when using Safety Function Manager. Please keep it in a safe place so that you do not forget it.
- If you need to reset the safety board password, contact your safety manager or the supplier.