Application layout

Before writing your application, you need to decide what your application will accomplish and how the project will be structured. Here are some general guide lines.


Each project contains up to 64 programs. Each program that can be started from the Operator Window, Remote Control, RC+ API, or GUI Builder.

Each program has a start function, as shown in the table below.

Programs # Program Name Start Function
0 main main
1 main1 main1
2 main2 main2
3 main3 main3
4 main4 main4
5 main5 main5
6 main6 main6
7 main7 main7
63 main63 main63

Your project must always define function main so that the main program can be started. The other programs are optional. If you use the Operator Window for your operator interface, you can define meaningful names for each of the programs used in your project in [Project]-[Properties]-[Operator setting]-[Operator Window].

Operator interface

  • Operator Window

    To use [Operator Window] in Epson RC+ 8.0, set Epson RC+ 8.0 to start in operator mode and display the operator window automatically after starting Windows.

    Operators can select up to 64 programs. They can also optionally use the Pause/Continue buttons, I/O Monitor, Robot Manager, and System History viewer.

    Use the operator window from the PC. The Control Device must be set to PC from [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[Configuration].

    For details on configuring Epson RC+ 8.0 for auto start, see below.

    Start Mode

  • Remote Control

    Use remote control to turn motors on/off, home the robot, start programs, etc. A simple push button box can be used, or a PLC can be connected.

    When using Remote Control, the Control Device must be set to Remote from [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[SPEL Controller Board]-[Configuration].

  • Windows Applications using RC+ API

    Use the RC+ API Option along with a Windows development tool such as Visual Basic, Visual C#, or Visual C++. For details, refer to the following manual.

    "RC+ API option"

  • GUI Builder

    Use the GUI Builder option. For details, refer to the following manual.

    "GUI Builder"

Safety interface

Use guard doors, safety mats, light curtains, etc. to protect the operator from injury.

Robot Points, Pallets, Tools, Locals

Decide on which points you need for the work cell. In many cases you will only need one point file per robot.

Take advantage of Pallets, Tools, and Locals. Time spent on using these can save hours later on the production line. For example, if your cell has many points that take a lot of time to train, consider using Locals so that if the end effecter is damaged or replaced, you only need to redefine the Locals, not retrain all of the points.

Try to design in automatic or semi-automatic procedures for calibrating tools and locals. Even if you define them manually, write instructions on how to define them so the process can be repeated easily.

Inputs and outputs

Layout your I/O early in the design stages. Use I/O labels in your programs. You must purchase additional I/O boards if you need more than 24 inputs or 16 outputs. You can also use the Fieldbus option so the controller can be a Fieldbus slave.


The Robot Controller has one RS-232C port as standard. Available ports can be added (up to 5 ports) by installing an optional RS-232C board.

See details below.

RS-232C Communications


T series and VT series manipulator do not have RS-232C port on the controller. Optional RS-232C board cannot be added.

You can use TCP/IP to connect peripheral equipment. See details below.

TCP/IP Communications