Syntax helpand code completion

Epson RC+ 8.0 includes a feature to assist in entering program code.

Syntax Help

When you enter a SPEL+ keyword, the Syntax Help window will show the syntax of the statement or function. After a statement is entered, Syntax Help will automatically close. Or press the [Esc] key to close it. You can enable / disable Syntax Help from the [Setup]-[Preferences]-[Editor] tab.

Code Completion

When you are entering a keyword for a statement, a list box appears, showing the available SPEL+ statement keywords, constants, and user functions that start with the text you have typed. To use a keyword in the list box, select the keyword.

For example, typing "fo" will display a list of candidates. If you select [For...Next], a Next statement is automatically created with an indented blank line above it.

If you enter a command that requires parameters to be specified, a parameter list box will be displayed. To use a parameter in the list box, select the parameter. You can also type in a value not shown in the list, such as a variable or literal constant. Press [Esc] to hide the list box.

In the example shown below, the first parameter of the On statement is an output label. A list of output labels in the current project is displayed.

You can enable/disable Code Completion from the [Setup]-[Preferences]-[Editor] tab.