Editing Points

You can edit the robot points from the robot point file. You can define new points or cut, copy, and paste points from one point file to another, including between projects.

To open a point file for editing

  1. Select [Open] from the [File] menu to show the Open dialog box.
  2. Select the [Points] option button. A list of files is displayed in the [Select file to open] box.
  3. Select the point file you want to edit by clicking on the name.
  4. Click [Open] to open the file. You will see a spread sheet window for the point file you selected.

A list of each point in the file is displayed. By default, the spreadsheet always contains rows for all points, even if they are not defined. The cells for an undefined point are blank.

Item Description
Show defined only Only I/Os with defined labels are displayed.
Select row Click the left edge of row to select a row.
No. Point number. Range is from 0 to a maximum point number.
Label Point label name.
Coordinates Coordinates of X, Y, Z are in millimeters, and U, V, and W in degrees.
Local Local number. Range is from "0" to "15".
Hand Select hand orientation. Lefty and Righty.
Elbow Select elbow orientation (Above, Below). This column is shown only for 6-axis robots.
Wrist Select wrist orientation (Flip, NoFlip). This column is shown only for 6-axis robots.
J4Flag Select J4Flag (0, 1). This column is shown only for 6-axis robots.
J6Flag Select J6Flag (0 to 127). This column is shown only for 6-axis robots.
J1Flag Select J1Flag (0, 1). This column is shown only for RS series and 6-axis robots.
J2Flag Select J2Flag (0, 1). This column is shown only for RS series.
J1Angle J1Angle coordinates are in units of degrees. This column is shown only for RS series and N series.
J4Angle J4Angle coordinates are in units of degrees. This column is shown only for N series.
Comment A description of the point.

To select a row

Click the left edge of row to select a row.

To select one or more rows

To select more than one row, point to the row select column of the first row you want to select. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse down or up to select more rows. While holding down the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key, you can select multiple rows with the mouse.

To select all rows

Select [Select All] from the [Edit] menu or press the [Ctrl] + [A] keys.

To define a new point

Move the cursor anywhere in the row of the point you want to define using the mouse, and then click a cell you want to type in. Enter information for the point. This automatically defines the point, which means it will be sent to the robot controller at the next project build or Jog and Teach command.

For example, click on the Name column and type in a name of the point. Press the [Tab] key to move to the X coordinate column. Type a coordinate value and then press [Enter]. You will see zeros automatically entered in all of the other coordinates. This means that the point is defined.

To delete a point

  1. Select one or more rows.
  2. Delete a point using one of the following methods.
    • In the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu, select [Cut] from the [Edit] menu.
    • Right-click on the left end of the row and select [Cut].
    • Press [Ctrl] + [X] or [Delete].

To [Cut] and [Paste] points

  1. Select one or more rows.
  2. Cut or copy using one of the following methods.
    • In the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu, select [Cut] or [Copy] from the [Edit] menu.
    • Right-click on the left end of the row and select [Cut] or [Copy].
    • Press [Ctrl] + [X] or [Ctrl] + [C].
  3. Select the row where you want to start the paste.
  4. Paste a point using one of the following methods.
    • In the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu, select [Paste] from the [Edit] menu.
    • Right-click on the left end of the row and select [Paste].
    • Press [Ctrl] + [V].