Run window

The Run window includes controls for running the programs in the current project.

To open the Run window

Select [Run Window] from the [Run] menu. Or from the tool bar, click the  [Run Window] button. If necessary, all changed open files will be saved and the project will be built. If the build is successful, the Run window will appear.

To close the Run window

Choose [Close] from the [File] menu or click on the [×] button in the upper right hand corner of the window.

Symbol Item
a Run window
b Text area
c Operation area
Item Description
Text area

This is the area that takes up most of the run window.

Output from your programs is displayed here. When your program uses an Input statement, you can type in the requested input from this text box. You can use the scroll bars to view the entire text buffer. If an error occurs while running a program, the error number, program file name, line number and function name will be displayed in this text area. You can double click on the line where the error is displayed to directly go to the source line that caused the problem.

Function Select a function to start. Functions are sorted alphabetically. Function main is selected by default.
Low Power

During this box is checked, SPEL+ ignores the Power High command by force.

This allows you to run your program in low power mode to verify operation without having to change the program.

Speed Factor

Specifies the robot motion speed factor.

The speed factor is a percentage of maximum point to point speed and linear interpolated speed. For example, if you program executes Speed 80 and the speed factor is 50%, the robot will move at speed 40.

Start Starts the function displayed in the [Function] list.

Stops all tasks.

If the robot is executing a motion command when this button is pressed, the robot will decelerate to a stop. The shortcut key is [Ctrl] + [C].


Pauses all tasks with pause enabled.

Activates the [Continue] button. If the robot is executing a motion command when this button is pressed, the robot will decelerate to a stop.

Continue Continues paused tasks.