Changing robot system parameters

The following robot parameters can be changed from the [System Configuration] dialog.

  • Enable/Disable Joints

    You can disable one or more joints from [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Robots]-[Robot**]-[Configuration]. On robots with a ball screw Z axis, you must disable both joints 3 and 4 together.

  • Hofs

    Hofs are the joint home offsets. You can view and edit the values from [System Configuration]-[Robots]-[Robot**]-[Calibration]. However, it is recommended that you use the Robot Calibration wizard to set these values. These values are unique for each robot and are supplied from the factory. Hofs are especially important for SCARA robots because the values determine that both lefty and righty hand orientation will position the robot at the same point.

  • CalPls

    CalPls values are joint calibration offsets. You can view and edit the values from [System Configuration]-[Robots]-[Robot**]-[Calibration]. However, it is recommended that you use the Robot Calibration wizard to set these values. These values are unique for each robot and are supplied from the factory. CalPls values are used to calibrate joint position after replacing a motor or encoder.

These are one-time settings for each robot. Additional robot parameters can be set from the Robot Manager.

To change robot parameters, follow these steps:

  1. In the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu, select [Setup]-[System Configuration].
  2. Select [Controller]-[Robots]-[Robot**]-[Calibration].
  3. Execute the calibration wizard or change values for Hofs or CalPls.
  4. Click [Apply] to make the changes permanent.

Saving robot calibration data

You can save and load individual robot calibration files. This is useful for moving a robot from one controller to another. When you save calibration data, a file is created with an MPD file extension. This file contains Hofs and CalPls values.

To save robot calibration data

  1. In the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu, select [Setup]-[System Configuration].
  2. Select [Controller]-[Robots]-[Robot**]-[Calibration].
  3. Ensure that the robot serial number is correct. The serial number will be used to create the default file name. It is recommended that the serial number be used.
  4. Click the [Save] button. Specify the destination directory and click the [Save] button.

Loading robot calibration data

To load robot calibration data

  1. In the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu, select [Setup]-[System Configuration].
  2. Select [Controller]-[Robots]-[Robot**]-[Calibration].
  3. Click the [Load] button.
  4. Select the desired MPD file and click the [Open] button.