Details on properties of the Decision object

  • Name Property
    This property sets a particular name that is assigned to force guide object.
    When creating the Decision object, name is assigned automatically. Automatically assigned name is added a number after Decision (e.g. Decision01).
    You can change the name. Set up 16 characters at the maximum. Please use alphanumeric characters and underscores [_]. Note: The initial character cannot be a numeric character.
  • Description Property
    This property sets descriptions about force guide objects.
    You can set the character string up to 255 characters.
  • Enabled Property
    This property sets whether to enable force guide objects.
    When specifying True, the force guide object is executed.
    When specifying False, execute the next force guide object without executing the Decision object or any force guide objects branching from it.
    Use this property when you want to save the force guide sequence temporary or try with different parameters by copying the force guide object during the force guide sequence creation.
    True Enable a force guide object.
    False Disable a force guide object.
    Default: True
  • ConditionObject Property
    Set the force guide object to be a target of the conditional determination.
    Specify the force guide object which is written before the Decision object. Based on that result, the program proceeds to True or False branch.
  • TrueCond Property
    Set a condition to branch to True.
    Depending on a result of the force guide object (EndStatus result) specified by ConditionObject, the program proceeds to True branch.
    TargetPassed When the target force guide object is succeeded, the program proceeds to True branch.
    TargetFailed When the target force guide object is failed, the program proceeds to True branch.
    TargetNoExec When the target force guide object is not executed, the program proceeds to True branch.
    Default: TargetPassed