Configure Robot Hand Screen

You can set the following properties on the [Configure Robot Hand: *] screen.

  • The type of hand attached
  • The number of output bits/input bits
  • Operations of two hand motion commands (Hand_On statement, Hand_Off statement)

[Defined] check box
Select this check box to register the hand.
Deselect this check box and click the [Apply] button to display a confirmation window for deleting the hand.

Click the [Yes] button to delete the registered hand information.

If this check box is not selected: Only the following buttons will be available.

  • [Close] button
  • [I/O Monitor] button

Label (option)
This is the label given to the hand number.
Labels can be set using up to 31 one-byte characters, or 15 two-byte characters.
Accepted characters include alphanumeric characters, Japanese/Chinese characters, and underscores (_). Numbers and underscores cannot be used for the initial character.
An error will occur when attempting to specify a label that already exists (when the same label is being used for another hand).

Select the hand series (type).

  • Grippers
  • Screwdrivers

Select the hand type, and the number of input and output bits from the following.

If “Grippers” is selected in the [Series] field:

Choices Type Number of bits as seen from the controller
Output to the hand Input from the hand
Chuck (Output:1 / Input:0) Chuck 1 0
Chuck (Output:1 / Input:1) Chuck 1 1
Chuck (Output:1 / Input:2) Chuck 1 2
Chuck (Output:2 / Input:0) Chuck 2 0
Chuck (Output:2 / Input:1) Chuck 2 1
Chuck (Output:2 / Input:2) Chuck 2 2
Suction (Output:1 / Input:0) Vacuum 1 0
Suction (Output:1 / Input:1) Vacuum 1 1
Suction (Output:1 / Input:2) Vacuum 1 2
Suction (Output:2 / Input:0) Vacuum 2 * 0
Suction (Output:2 / Input:1) Vacuum 2 * 1
Suction (Output:2 / Input:2) Vacuum 2 * 2

*If you select a suction hand with two outputs, the second output point to the hand will be set as the vacuum break bit.

If “Screwdrivers” is selected in the [Series] field:
Always select “Electric screwdriver”.

Description (option)
Leave a description of the hand in this field. Comments can be up to 255 one-byte, or 127 two-byte characters in length.

Hand_On definition area, Hand_Off definition area
Refer to Hand_On, Hand_Off Definition Area

[Close] button
This closes the [Configure Robot Hand*] screen.

[Apply] button
This saves the current settings.
This button will be unavailable until you make any changes after displaying the [Configure Robot Hand*] screen.

[Restore] button
This restores the previous settings.
This button will be unavailable until you make any changes after displaying the [Configure Robot Hand*] screen.

[Hand_On] button
Click this button to immediately execute the Hand_On command.
This will also acquire the return value for the Hand_On function. If “True”, the LED to the left of the button will light up.

Button display Meaning
This button is unavailable when hand information has not been set, or until clicking the [Apply] button when making changes.
The hand has been set properly, and the return value for the Hand_On function is “True”
The hand has been set properly, and the return value for the Hand_On function is “False”

[Hand_Off] button
Click this button to immediately execute the Hand_Off command.
This will also acquire the return value for the Hand_Off function. If “True”, the LED to the left of the button will light up.

Button display Meaning
This button is unavailable when hand information has not been set, or until clicking the [Apply] button when making changes.
The hand has been set properly, and the return value for the Hand_Off function is “True”
The hand has been set properly, and the return value for the Hand_Off function is “False”

[I/O Monitor] button
This displays the I/O Monitor screen.
For more information, refer to the following manual.
"Epson RC+ User's Guide - [I/O Monitor] Command (Tools Menu)"


Register the hand settings in the [Configure Robot Hand *] screen, and then click the [Hand_On] and [Hand_Off] button in the screen to immediately check the motion of the hand. Alternatively, you can also check hand motion by selecting a registered hand from the list of hands, and then clicking the [Configure...] button.