Hand_On, Hand_Off definition area

In this area you can check how each Hand_On and Hand_Off command functions, and define the I/O input status acquired with Hand_On and Hand_Off functions.
The contents can be configured are the same for Hand_On and Hand_Off.

a: Timeout and delay settings

Hand Signal
This is the name of the hand signal. This is set automatically as follows based on the hand type selected in the Type field. The signal name cannot be changed.
Unless specified otherwise, outputs described here are level outputs.

Hand type Signal name Meaning Input/Output
Chuck Grip Grip Output
Release Release Output
Input1 Input 1 Input
Input2 Input 2 Input
Vacuum Suction Vacuum Output
Vacuum Break Vacuum break Pulse output*
Input1 Input 1 Input
Input2 Input 2 Input

*When selecting a vacuum-type hand with two outputs, the second output point will be set for the vacuum break. This bit makes the following pulse output when the Hand_Off command is executed. When detecting that the workpiece vacuum detection signal is off, this bit will be automatically restored to its original output state.

I/O Type
This shows the I/O type (Input/Output). This cannot be changed.

Controller I/O Bit
Select the bit number (a) for the I/O being controlled from the pull-down menu. The I/O label name (b) will also appear for bit numbers that have been assigned an I/O label.

To assign an I/O label: refer to the following manual.
"Epson RC+ User's Guide - [I/O Label Editor] Command Command (Tools Menu)"

I/O State
Output bit: Specify whether to turn the bit selected as the I/O bit for the controller on or off.
Input bit: Specify whether the bit “On” selected as the I/O bit for the controller indicates that an operation is successful. Or the bit “Off” selected as the I/O bit for the controller indicates that an operation is successful.

Set the time of delay before the Hand_On command or the Hand_Off command times out, or before the next command is executed. This will appear differently depending on the type of hand set.
A: If the hand has an input: Timeout
B: If the hand does not have an input: Delay time
C: When using an electric screwdriver: Not shown (setting unavailable)

For details, refer to the following topic.
Timeout and Delay


Note that a vacuum break may not occur if the vacuum break pulse output is too short. To ensure that a vacuum break occurs, enable the timeout setting for the Hand_Off command, and set a sufficiently long timeout duration.