Example of Using Safety Limited Speed (SLS)

The following describes an example of using the Maximum Speed of Safety Limited Speed (SLS).
In this example, SLS_1 is assigned to SAFETY_IN3 and the Maximum Speed of SLS_1 is set to 1000 [mm/sec].

How to set
Follow the procedure below to set the safety function parameters.

  1. In Epson RC+, select [Setup] - [System Configuration], and then start Safety Function Manager under [Controller] - [Safety Functions].

  2. For [SAFETY_IN3], select [SLS_1].

  3. For the TCP offset, enter [X_TCP:0mm], [Y_TCP:0mm], [Z_TCP:0mm].


    In this example, confirmation is performed without the hand attached. If 0 mm is entered for all the TCP Offset, a warning message will be displayed when you click the [Confirm] button. However, you can continue as-is.

  4. For [SLS_1], select [Hand], and enter 1000 for [Maximum Speed] and 0 for [Delay Time].

  5. Apply settings.

How to check operation
Follow the procedure below to check the operation.

  1. Turn SAFETY_IN3 ON (0V) to enable the speed monitoring function.

  2. In Epson RC+, operate the robot at a speed of 500 mm/sec.

    Sample program to operate at 500 mm/sec:

    Function SLS_Test_500
        SF_LimitSpeedS SLS_1, 500  'Sets the speed limit to 500 mm/s when SLS_1 is enabled.
        SF_LimitSpeedSEnable SLS_1, On 'Enables speed control when SLS_1 is enabled.	
    	Motor On
        Power Low
        Go P1              'Moves in PTP mode to the operation start position (P1).
        Power High
        Speed 100
        Accel 100, 100
        SF_PeakSpeedSClear 'Clears the peak speed value.
        Go P2
        SF_PeakSpeedS      'Displays the peak speed value.
        Motor Off


    The safety functions do not operate because the operating speed is less than the Maximum Speed (1000 mm/sec).

  3. In Epson RC+, change the speed to 1500 mm/sec and then operate the robot.

    Sample program to operate at 1500 mm/sec:

    Function SLS_Test_1500
        SF_LimitSpeedS SLS_1, 1500  'Sets the limit speed to 1500 mm/s when SLS_1 is enabled.
        SF_LimitSpeedSEnable SLS_1, On 'Enables speed control when SLS_1 is enabled.
        Motor On
        Power Low
        Go P1              'Moves in PTP mode to the operation start position (P1).
        Power High
        Speed 100
        Accel 100, 100
        SF_PeakSpeedSClear 'Clears the peak speed value.
        Go P2
        SF_PeakSpeedS      'Displays the peak speed value.
        Motor Off
  4. Confirm that an emergency stop occurs and the robot operation stops.

How to reset
Follow the procedure below to reset the emergency stop status or error status. For details on safety functions, refer to the following section.
Precautions for Using the Robot Controller Safety Functions

  1. Perform the reset operation.
    EPSON RC+ 7.0: In EPSON RC+, select [Robot Manager] - [Control Panel], and then click the [Reset] button.
    Epson RC+ 8.0: In Epson RC+, select [Robot Manager] and then click the [Reset] button.

  2. Confirm that the [EStop] displayed in the lower right corner of Epson RC+ turns off.