Using Teach Pendant in Safeguarded Area

When you switch the mode selector switch of the Teach Pendant to “TEACH” mode and hold down the Enable Switch, you can jog and move the robot in slow speed while the safeguard is open.
When you switch to the test mode (T1 or T2) and hold down the Enable Switch, you can verify a program while the safeguard is open.
Person who will be using the Teach Pendant should be thoroughly trained on how to use it.
Follow the guidelines below when using the Teach Pendant in the safeguarded area:

  1. Before entering the safeguarded area to use the Teach Pendant, turn the mode selector key switch to “TEACH”.
  2. Pull out the mode selector key and enter the safeguarded area, and then perform teaching operations and verify a program in “TEACH” or “TEST”.
  3. After teaching is completed, leave the safeguarded area and close the safeguard.
  4. Switch the mode selector key switch to “AUTO”.
  5. Close the latch release input. For details of signal assignment of the latch release input, refer to the following manual:
    "RC700 series Manual"
    "RC700-D Manual"
    "RC700-E Manual"
    "RC800-A Manual"
    "T series Manual"
    "T-B series Manual"
    "VT series Manual"


TEACH mode status is latched by software.

To switch the mode from TEACH to AUTO, release the latched condition by inputting the latch release input signal.


Although the Teach Pendant can be operated inside the safeguarded area as described above, operate the robot system while all operators are outside of the safeguarded area wherever possible.