
The following operations are available in the [Programming] panel.

  • Project management
  • Program editing
  • Point data editing

To display the [Programming] panel, switch the mode selector key switch to “TEACH/T1” and tap [Programming] on the menu.

Current Project Management

Current Project Management displays the program files, include files, and point file names registered to the current project in a tree form.

In the file tree, tapping the name of a program file (.prg) or include file (.inc)
opens the file.
Tapping the point file name opens the point data.

Program Editing

The program can be edited. Open, Close, Save, and Edit of the file are available.

You can open multiple files but can edit only one at a time.

Item Description
Project Displays the current project panel.
Status Shows and hides status at the bottom of the panel.
Undo Restores changes made to the program.
Redo Executes an operation canceled by the Restore operation just performed again.
Save Saves the active file.
Search Searches for text, line, or function name within the program.

Closes the active file.

The confirmation message appears if the file is being edited.

Build Builds the current project.

Point data editing

You can edit the point data of the point files.
Select the point file from the file tree to display the list of data.

Change the point data values

  1. Double-tap the cell of the value to change.
  2. Enter a value.

You can copy a point data value and paste it to another cell. The menu of functions, such as copy, can be displayed by long-tapping the text input area while a cell is selected.
To select the line, check the checkbox. You can select several items.
To scroll, flick the table up and down.

Item Description
Save Saves changes to the Robot system.
Cut Cuts the data of the selected line.
Copy Copies the data of the selected line.

Pastes the copied or cut data to the checked lines. The data will be overwritten.

If the data copied or cut from the multiple lines are held, these will be pasted to the lines following the checked line.

Delete Line(s)

Deletes the data of the selected lines.

If several lines are selected, several point data will be deleted. The point numbers whose data is deleted will be dead-numbers.

Delete All

Deletes all data.

The file will be empty.


Restores changes.

The file will be restored to previous state.

Search Searches for a label within the point data.

Closes the active file.

The confirmation message appears if the file is being edited.