- Name Property
This property sets a particular name that is assigned to force guide object. When creating the Contact object, name is assigned automatically. Automatically assigned name is added a number after Contact (e.g. Contact01).
You can change the name. Set up 16 characters at the maximum. Please use alphanumeric characters and underscores [_]. Note: The initial character cannot be a numeric character.
- Description Property
This property sets descriptions about force guide objects. You can set the character string up to 255 characters.
- Enabled Property
This property sets whether to enable force guide objects.
When specifying True, the force guide object is executed. When specifying False, execute the next force guide object without executing the force guide object.
Use this property when you want to save the force guide sequence temporary or try with different parameters by copying the force guide object during the force guide sequence creation.
Value | Description |
True | Enable a force guide object. |
False | Disable a force guide object. |
Default: True
- StepID Property
This property sets StepID during the execution of the force guide objects. It is only used when AutoStepID is False.
| Value |
Minimum Value | 0 |
Maximum value | 32767 |
Default: Automatically set according to the numbers of the force guide sequence and the force guide object.
- AbortSeqOnFail Property
This property sets operations when force guide object fails.
When True is specified: If the force guide object fails, the program ends the force guide sequence and proceeds to the next SPEL statement. When specifying False: If force guide object fails, the program proceeds to the next force guide object without ending the force guide sequence.
Use this property when you want to continue the force guide sequence (e.g. the recovery processes are included in the force guide sequence when the force guide object fails.)
Value | Description |
True | Abort the force guide sequence when the force guide object fails. |
False | Start the next force guide sequence when the force guide object fails. |
Default: True
- IOPreprocEnabled Property
This property sets I/O operations when the force guide object starts.
I/O operations are defined by IOPreprocOutputBit Property and IOPreprocOutputStatus Property. Use this property when you want to operate the hands or peripherals before the force guide object execution.
Value | Description |
True | Execute I/O operation at the start. |
False | I/O operation at the start is not executed. |
Default: False
- IOPreprocOutputBit Property
This property sets I/O operations (output bit) when the force guide object starts. It is only used when IOPreprocEnabled is True.
| Value |
Minimum Value | 0 |
Maximum value | 7167 |
Default: 0
- IOPreprocOutputStatus Property
This property sets the output state of I/O operations when the force guide object starts. It is only used when IOPreprocEnabled is True.
Value | Description |
Off | Turn OFF the specified output bit. (Set to 0) |
On | Turn ON the specified output bit. (Set to 1) |
Default: Off
- ContactOrient Property
This property sets a target contact position as viewed from the start position.
Set the direction in the coordinate system specified by ForceOrient of the force guide sequence. You can select from translation direction (+Fx to -Fz) or rotation direction (+Tx to -Tz). The robot moves to the specified direction and stops when contacting with an object.
Value | Description |
+Fx | Move to the positive direction in Fx. |
-Fx | Move to the negative direction in Fx. |
+Fy | Move to the positive direction in Fy. |
-Fy | Move to the negative direction in Fy. |
+Fz | Move to the positive direction in Fz. |
-Fz | Move to the negative direction in Fz. |
+Tx | Move to the positive direction in Tx. |
-Tx | Move to the negative direction in Tx. |
+Ty | Move to the positive direction in Ty. |
-Ty | Move to the negative direction in Ty. |
+Tz | Move to the positive direction in Tz. |
-Tz | Move to the negative direction in Tz. |
Default: +Fz
- ContactFirmnessF Property
This property sets a firmness of force control functions during execution of the force guide object. It is used when ContactOrient is translation direction (+Fx to -Fz).
When the value of ContactFirmnessF increases, the force control function will become stronger. Response to changes of the force is slow, however, vibration hardly occurs. When the value of ContactFirmnessF decreases, the force control function will become weaker. Response to changes of the force is fast, however, vibration is easy to occur.
| Value |
Minimum Value | 0.1 |
Maximum value | 200 |
Default: 10
- ContactFirmnessT Property
This property sets a firmness of force control functions during execution of the force guide object. It is used when ContactOrient is rotation direction (+Tx to -Tz).
When the value of ContactFirmnessT increases, the force control function will become stronger. Response to changes of the torque is slow, however, vibration hardly occurs. When the value of ContactFirmnessT decreases, the force control function will become weaker. Response to changes of the torque is fast, however, vibration is easy to occur.
| Value |
Minimum Value | 10 |
Maximum value | 1000000 |
Default: 3000
- CFEnabled Property
This property sets whether to continue the force control functions after the force guide object is ended. When the force guide sequence ends even if CFEnabled is True, the force control functions will end.
Value | Description |
True | The force control functions continue to the next force guide object even when a force guide object is ended. |
False | The force control functions end when the force guide object is ended. |
Default: False
ContactForceThresh Property
This property sets a threshold of force to determine the contact. It is used when ContactOrient is the translation direction (+Fx to -Fz).
If the threshold set by this property is exceeded during execution of Contact object, the robot recognizes that the robot is contacted and stops the motion. Then, proceed to the next force guide object.
When ContactOrient is in positive direction:
| Value (unit: [N]) |
Minimum Value | -10 |
Maximum value | 0 |
Default: -5
When ContactOrient is in negative direction:
| Value (unit: [N]) |
Minimum Value | 0 |
Maximum value | 10 |
Default: 5
ContactTorqueThresh Property
This property sets a threshold of torque to determine the contact. It is used when ContactOrient is rotation direction (+Tx to -Tz). If the threshold set by this property is exceeded during execution of Contact object, the robot recognizes the contact and stops the motion. Then, proceed to the next force guide object.
When ContactOrient is in positive direction:
| Value (unit: [N・mm]) |
Minimum Value | -1000 |
Maximum value | 0 |
Default: -200
When ContactOrient is in negative direction:
| Value (unit: [N・mm]) |
Minimum Value | 0 |
Maximum value | 1000 |
Default: 200
- Timeout Property
This property sets the time-out period of the force guide object.
If it does not exceed the threshold specified by ContactForceThresh or ContactTorqueThresh even after the time specified by this property has passed, it is determined as contact is failed.
After the determination, end the force guide sequence according to AbortSeqOnFail or proceed to the next force guide object.
| Value (unit: [sec]) |
Minimum Value | 0.1 |
Maximum value | 60 |
Default: 10