RecordStart Property
Force Monitor Object FM#
Begins recording of sensor values, robot position/orientation, StepID, and the time of data acquisition.
Immediate Execution
FSet Object.RecordStart, rValueD, rValueI
FSet Object.RecordStart, rValueD, rValueI ,sValue$
Object name
The object is specified as either of FM (numerical value) or FM (label).rValueD
A real number or formula defining the new value of the propertyrValueI
A real number or formula defining the new value of the propertysValue$
A character string or formula defining the new value of the property
rValueD (measurement time unit: [sec])
Values | |
Minimum | 1* |
Maximum | 600* |
rValueI (measurement interval unit: [sec])
Values | |
Minimum | 0.002* |
Maximum | 10* |
* However, “measurement time / measurement interval” should be 30,000 or less.
Up to 32 one-byte or 16 two-byte alphanumeric characters, Japanese characters, and the underscores can be used.
Detailed Explanation
This property is used to start recording the sensor values, robot position and orientation, StepID, and measurement timing.
This property is available when the Controller is connected to RC+. If this property starts without connecting to RC+, any error will not be caused and the program proceeds to next statement. However, a file is not created.
The product of specified measurement time and interval “measurement time / measurement interval” cannot exceed 30,000.
This property can start the two data recording at the maximum in parallel. When starting the two data recording in parallel, stop the execution of the force monitor or the force guide sequence.
Also, it is not possible to start the data recording by using the same robot and force monitor object in parallel. To start the two data recording in parallel, use different force monitor objects.
In addition, this property cannot be used together with the force control monitor.
This property stops recording when the task ends, the measurement time ends, or the RecordEnd property is executed.
You can specify a saving file by sValue$. Extension is added automatically. If omitting sValue$, file name is automatically set by the label of specified FM object and the start time.
Label of FM object_time(yyyy/mm/dd)_time(hh:mm:ss:ms).csv
- Example: Label of FM object: MyFMLabel
Start time: January 2nd, 2017 3 (h) 4(m) 5 (s) 006 (ms)
MyFMLabel _170102_030405006.csv
File format:
Save file is CSV format. The following information is recorded:
- 1st row: Item name of file’s header information
- 2nd row: File’s header information
- 3rd row: Item name of data
- After 4th row: Actual values
- A row before final row: Item name of footer information
- Final row: File’s footer information
File used for saving the force monitor or executing force guide sequence is the same file format.
Header information of file:
Start Time, File Type, File Version, Channel, Mode, Duration[sec], Interval[sec], Robot No, Robot Name, Sensor No, Sensor Serial, Sensor Label, FM No, FM Label, FCS No, FCS Label, Seq No, Seq Name, RobotLocal
ElapsedTime[msec], Fx Force[N], Fy Force[N], Fz Force[N], Tx Force[N・mm], Ty Force[N・mm], Tz Force[N・mm], Fmag Force[N], Tmag Force[N・mm], CurPos(X)[mm], CurPos(Y)[mm], CurPos(Z)[mm], CurPos(U)[deg], CurPos(V)[deg], CurPos(W)[deg], RefPos(X)[mm], RefPos(Y)[mm], RefPos(Z)[mm], RefPos(U)[deg], RefPos(V)[deg], RefPos(W)[deg], Diff(X)[mm], Diff(Y)[mm], Diff(Z)[mm], TCPSpeed[mm/sec], TCPSpeed(X)[mm/sec], TCPSpeed(Y)[mm/sec], TCPSpeed(Z)[mm/sec], Joint(J1)[deg], Joint(J2)[deg], Joint(J3)[deg], Joint(J4)[deg], Joint(J5)[deg], Joint(J6)[deg], OLRate(J1), OLRate(J2), OLRate(J3), OLRate(J4), OLRate(J5), OLRate(J6), FCOn, StepID, Seq No, Object No, Time
Footer information of file
EndTime, EndCondition, ErrorNo, ErrorMessage
Item | Unit | Description | |
Start Time | - | Time when the measurement is started. Displayed in a format of “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss:ms”. | |
File Type | - | File types. Described with Motion. | |
File Version | - | File version. | |
Channel | - | Channel number used for data output. It is record in either “1” or “2”. | |
Mode | - | It is a mode of recording The following information is recorded: 0: Show force monitor records 1: Show records of RecordStart property 2: Show records of force guide sequence execution | |
Duration | sec | Measurement time specified at the measurement. | |
Interval | sec | Measurement interval specified at the measurement. | |
Robot No | - | Robot number to be measured. | |
Robot Name | - | Robot name to be measured. | |
Sensor No | - | Force sensor number to be measured. | |
Sensor Serial | - | Serial number of force sensor | |
Sensor Label | - | Label set to force sensor | |
FM No | - | Number of the specified force monitor object. | |
FM Label | - | Label of the specified force monitor object. | |
FCS No | - | Number of the specified force coordinate system object | |
FCS Label | - | Label of the specified force coordinate object. | |
Seq No | - | Number of a sequence executed by force guide sequence. | |
Seq Name | - | Name of the sequence executed by force guide sequence. | |
RobotLocal | - | RobotLocal property value of the specified force monitor object. | |
ElapsedTime | msec | Elapsed time from the start of the measurement. | |
Fx Force to Fz Force Tx Force to Tz Force | N N·mm | Sensor values of each axis in force coordinate system. | |
Fmag Force | N | Resultant force in force coordinate system. | |
Tmag Force | N·mm | Resultant torque in force coordinate system. | |
CurPos(X) to CurPos(Z) CurPos(U) to CurPos(W) | mm deg | Command position reflecting the position control-command position and the effects of force control. | |
RefPos(X) to RefPos(Z) RefPos(U) to RefPos(W) | mm deg | Command-position which reflects only the position control. | |
Diff(X) to Diff(Z) | Mm | Difference between a direction of command reflecting the position control-command position and the effects of force control, and a direction of command which reflects only the position control. Express correction amount by force control function. | |
TCPSpeed | mm/sec | Tool tip speed in base coordinate system of the robot. For details, refer to the following manual. "Epson RC+ 8.0 SPEL+ Language Reference" TCPSpeed Function Note: Differ from TCPSpeed function, it is measured during PTP motion. | |
TCPSpeed(X) to TCPSpeed(Z) | mm/sec | Each axis component of tool tip speed in base coordinate system of the robot. | |
Joint(J1) to Joint(J6) | deg | Each joint angle of robot. For SCARA robot, Joint # 5 and Joint # 6 are always “0”. | |
OLRate(J1) to OLRate(J6) | - | Overload rate of each joint of robot. For details, refer to the following manual "Epson RC+ 8.0 SPEL+ Language Reference” OLRate For SCARA robot, Joint # 5 and Joint # 6 are always “0”. | |
FCOn | - | Execution state of force control function of robot. The following information is recorded: 1: When executing force control function 0: When the force control function is not executed | |
StepID | - | Value specified to the StepID property. | |
Seq No | - | Number of a sequence executed by force guide sequence. | |
Object No | - | Number of an object executed by force guide sequence. | |
Time | - | Time when the data is measured. Displayed in a format of “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss:ms”. | |
EndTime | - | Time when the measurement ends. Displayed in a format of “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss:ms”. | |
EndCondition | - | Reason for ending measurement. Display as follows depending on each state: | |
Specified measurement time is elapsed (In force monitor, when 600 seconds are elapsing.) | Duration elapsed | ||
Stop command for recording was executed before the measurement time is elapsed. | End executed property | ||
Stop force monitor before the measurement time is elapsed. | Stop requested | ||
Build or rebuild the SPEL program during recording. | Build executed | ||
Project ends without executing stop command for recording. | Task ended | ||
An error occurs during recording. | Error occurred | ||
ErrorNo | - | Error number. It is recorded when an error occurs and measurement ends. | |
ErrorMessage | - | Error message. It is recorded when an error occurs and measurement ends. |
Usage Example
This is an example of starting the logging of data for sensor 1 (at a frequency of 100 msec for 1 minute) and then ending the logging thereof.
Function Test_Record
FSet FM1.ForceSensor, 1
FSet FM1.RecordStart, 60, 0.1
FSet FM1.RecordEnd
Acquisition examples are as follows:
Start Time, File Type, File Version, Channel, Mode, Duration[sec], Interval[sec], Robot No, Robot Name, Sensor No, Sensor Serial, Sensor Label, FM No., FM Label, FCS No., FCS Label, Seq No, Seq Name, RobotLocal
2018/03/15 13:42:54:261, Motion, 1, 1, 1, 60, 0.1, 1, rb001, 1, AAAAA00001, VirtualSensor1, 1, fm001, 1, fcs001, 0, (empty), 0
ElapsedTime[msec], Fx_Force[N], Fy_Force[N], Fz_Force[N], Tx_Force[N・mm], Ty_Force[N・mm], Tz_Force[N・mm], Fmag_Force[N], Tmag_Force[N・mm], CurPos(X)[mm], CurPos(Y)[mm], CurPos(Z)[mm], CurPos(U)[deg], CurPos(V)[deg], CurPos(W)[deg], RefPos(X)[mm], RefPos(Y)[mm], RefPos(Z)[mm], RefPos(U)[deg], RefPos(V)[deg], RefPos(W)[deg], Diff(X)[mm], Diff(Y)[mm], Diff(Z)[mm], TCPSpeed[mm/sec], TCPSpeed(X)[mm/sec], TCPSpeed(Y)[mm/sec], TCPSpeed(Z)[mm/sec], Joint(J1)[deg], Joint(J2)[deg], Joint(J3)[deg], Joint(J4)[deg], Joint(J5)[deg], Joint(J6)[deg], OLRate(J1), OLRate(J2), OLRate(J3), OLRate(J4), OLRate(J5), OLRate(J6), FCOn, StepID, Seq No, Object No, Time
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 565, 720, 0, -90, -90, 0, 565, 720, 0, -90, -90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2018/03/15 13:42:54:261
100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 565, 720, 0, -90, -90, 0, 565, 720, 0, -90, -90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2018/03/15 13:42:54:361
(After displaying the above, the actual values will be displayed subsequently.)
See Also
Force Monitor Object FM#