Reset Property

Force Sensor Object FS#

Resets the force sensor.

Immediate Execution

FSet Object.Reset
FSet Object.Reset, iValue
FSet Object.Reset, iValue, rValueTime, rValueThreshF, rValueThreshT

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as FS (numerical value).

  • iValue
    An integer value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • rValueTime
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property

  • rValueThreshF
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property

  • rValueThreshT
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property


Name of Constants Values Description
FG_RESET_FINE 0 (default) Wait until the robot which the force sensor is connected satisfies Fine condition, and then reset the force sensor.
FG_RESET_WAIT_VIBRATION 1 Wait until the external vibration stops, and then reset the force sensor.


Minimum 3
Maximum 20

Default: 2.5 (Only when rValueTime is omitted. When specifying the value, be sure to specify the value greater than 3)


Minimum 5 (default)
Maximum 20


Minimum 50 (default)
Maximum 200

Detailed Explanation
When the Reset Property is executed, the force sensor is reset. Epson’s force sensors have a drift characteristic. Reset the force sensor each time right before using the force function.
When iValue is omitted or FG_RESET_FINE is specified, the program waits up to 1.5 seconds until the robot which the force sensor is connected satisfies Fine condition, and then reset the force sensor. When an error occurs since FGRESETFINE is specified, specify FG_RESET_WAIT_VIBRATION for iValue. The error may be avoided.
Fine condition is a positioning condition for each joint when the motion ends. In this property, always use a robot ‘s specific number. The value specifeid by the Fine statement or FineDist statement is not be used for the determination.
When FG_RESET_WAIT_VIBRATION is specified for iValue, the program waits until the external vibration stops, and then reset the force sensor. It may take time to reset the force sensor depending on the state of external vibration.
Maximum wait time until the vibration stops is normally 2.5 seconds, however, it can be specified with rValueTime. You can specify the threshold used to determine that the vibrations have been stoped : the force (Fx,Fy,Fz) can specified by rValueThreshF and the torque (Tx,Ty,Tz) by rValueThreshT. rValueThreshF and rValueThreshT are peak to peak value. However, if making the threshold larger , zero point of the sensor changes and the accuracy may decrease. Adjust the threshold within the range which is allowable for your task.
rValueTime, rValueThreshF, and rValueThreshT are available only when FG_RESET_WAIT_VIBRATION is specified for iValue.


Be sure to reset the Force Sensor with no external force applied to it.

If it is reset with an external force applied to it, the state in which an external force applied is “0”. Therefore, if the force applied is removed, the Force Sensor detects a force even if no force is applied. If the force control function is performed in this state, the robot may move unintentionally. Caution is required in this regard.

Usage Example
This is an example of resetting the sensor.

> FSet FS1.Reset

See Also
Force Sensor Object FS#