TriggeredPos Status

Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#

This returns the position when the force trigger or force motion restriction conditions are met.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.TriggeredPos, P#

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as either of FT (numerical value), FMR (numerical value), FT (label) or FMR (label).

  • P#
    Variable representing a point data

Detailed Explanation
This returns the position just prior to the triggering of the force trigger or force motion restriction when the conditions are met.
When the force trigger or force motion restriction conditions are not met, a value of “0” is returned for all.
When, as below, multiple force triggers or force motion restrictions are combined, the position for when that object’s conditions were first met is maintained for each force trigger or force motion restriction Object.

Till FT1 And FMR2

Therefore, when force trigger or force motion restriction objects with different conditions are used in combination, the TriggeredPos status is different for each object.

Usage Example
This example acquires and displays the position when the force trigger conditions are met.

Function TriggeredPosTest
  FCKeep FC1 Till FT1, 10
  FGet FT1.TriggeredPos, P1
  Print P1

See Also
Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#