TriggerMode (FT#) Property

Force Trigger Object FT#

Sets or returns the object of the force trigger monitor.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.TriggerMode, iVar
FSet Object.TriggerMode, iValue

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as either of FT (numerical value) or FT (label).

  • iVar
    An integer variable defining the value of the property

  • iValue
    An integer value or formula defining the new value of the property


Name of Constants Values Description
FG_FORCE 0 Monitor force and torque. (default)
FG_DIFF 1 Monitor change in force and torque.

Detailed Explanation
This sets or returns whether the subject being monitored for the force trigger is force and torque or the change thereof.
When monitoring for force above or below a certain value, FC_FORCE is used. When monitoring for a change in force above or below a certain value, FG_DIFF is used.
Change in force is monitored in terms of [N/sec] and change in the torque is monitored in terms of [N·mm/sec].
When monitoring change, the use of a low-pass filter is recommended as the effects of noise is significant.

Usage Example
This example monitors force. The force control function is activated for 10 seconds if force goes below 3[N] or above 3[N].

Function TriggerModeTest_FORCE
  FSet FT1.Fx_Enabled, True
  FSet FT1.Fx_Levels, -3, 3
  FSet FT1.TriggerMode, FG_FORCE

  Till FT1
  FCKeep FC1 Till, 10

This example monitors change in force. The force control function is activated for 10 second if the change goes below 50[N/sec] or above 50[N/sec].

Function TriggerModeTest_DIFF
  FSet FT1.Fx_Enabled, True
  FSet FT1.Fx_Levels, -50, 50
  FSet FT1.Fx_LPF_Enabled, True
  FSet FT1.Fx_LPF_TimeConstant, 0.1
  FSet FT1.TriggerMode, FG_DIFF

  Till FT1
  FCKeep FC1 Till, 10
  Print TillOn

See Also
Force Trigger Object FT#