Cnv_QueRemove Statement
Removes items from a conveyor queue.
Cnv_QueRemove conveyorNumber [, index | All ]
- conveyorNumber
- Specify the conveyor number as an integer (1-16).
- Index
- Optional. Integer expression specifying the index of the first item to remove or specify All to remove all.
Use Cnv_QueRemove to remove one or more items from a conveyor queue. Typically, you remove items from the queue after you are finished with the data.
This command will only work if the Conveyor Tracking option is active.
See Also
Cnv_QueRemove Statement Example
Jump Cnv_QueGet(1)
On gripper
Wait .1
Jump place
Off gripper
Wait .1
' Remove the data from the conveyor
Cnv_QueRemove 1