CVMove Statement
Performs the continuous spline path motion defined by the Curve instruction.
CVMove fileName [CP] [searchExpr] [SYNC]
- fileName
- String expression for the file name. This file must be previously created by the Curve instruction and stored on a Controller. You cannot specify a file path and fileName doesn’t have any effect from ChDisk. See ChDisk for the details.
- CP
- Optional. Specifies continuous path motion after the last point.
- Till | Find
- Optional. A Till or Find expression.
Till | Find Till Sw(expr) = {On | Off} Find Sw(expr) = {On | Off}
- Reserves a motion command. A robot will not move until the SyncRobots gives instructions.
CVMove performs the continuous spline path motion defined by the data in the file fileName, which is located in the controller memory. The file must be previously created with the Curve command.
If the file name does not have an extension, .CVT is added automatically.
The user can change the speed and acceleration for the CP motion for CVMove by using the SpeedS and AccelS instructions.
When the Curve instruction has been previously executed using points with Local definitions, you can change the operating position by using the Local instruction.
When executing CVMove, be careful that the robot doesn’t collide with peripheral equipment. When you attempt to change the hand orientation of the 6-axis robot (including N series) between adjacent points suddenly, due to the nature of cubic spline function, the 6-axis robot may start changing its orientation from the previous and following points and move in an unexpected trajectory. Verify the trajectory thoroughly prior to a CVMove execution and be careful that the robot doesn’t collide with peripheral equipment.
Specify points closely each other and at equal interval. Do not change the hand (arm) orientation between adjacent points suddenly.
If an abnormal acceleration error occurs during the execution of CVMove, it may work without error if the following setting is On.
Vertical 6-axis robots (including N series), RS series: AvoidSingularity SING_VSD
SCARA Robots (excluding RS Series): VSD
The CP parameter causes acceleration of the next motion command to start when the deceleration starts for the current motion command. In this case the robot will not stop at the destination coordinate and will continue to move to the next point.
See Also
AccelS Function, Arc, Curve, Move, SpeedS, Till, TillOn
CVMove Statement Example
The following example designates the free curve data file name as MYCURVE.CVT, creates a curve tracing P1-P7, switches ON output port 2 at P2, and decelerates the arm at P7.
Set up curve
> curve "mycurve", O, 0, 4, P1, P2, On 2, P(3:7)
Move the arm to P1 in a straight line
> jump P1
Move the arm according to the curve definition called mycurve
> cvmove "mycurve"