CX, CY, CZ, CU, CV, CW, CR, CS, CT Functions

Retrieves a coordinate value from a point

CV, CW functions are only for 6-axis robots (including N series).

CS, CT are only for robots with additional axes.

CX (point)
CY (point)
CZ (point)
CU (point)
CV (point)
CW (point)
CR (point)
CS (point)
CT (point)


Point expression.

Return Values
Returns the specified coordinate value.

  • The return values for CX, CY, CZ are real numbers in millimeters.
  • The return values for CU, CV, CW are real numbers in degrees.
  • Return values of CS, CT functions: Real values in mm or deg. It depends on the additional axis setting.

Used to retrieve an individual coordinate value from a point.

To obtain the coordinate from the current robot position, use Here for the point parameter.

See Also
CX, CY, CZ, CU, CV, CW, CR, CS, CT Statements

CX, CY, CZ, CU, CV, CW, CR, CS, CT Functions Example
The following example extracts the X axis coordinate value from point “pick” and puts the coordinate value in the variable x.

Function cxtest
  Real x
  x = CX(pick)
  Print "The X Axis Coordinate of point 'pick' is", x