Starting Epson RC+ 8.0
There are three ways to start Epson RC+ 8.0. You can also configure the mode that Epson RC+ 8.0 starts in.
Start Method 1
Double-click the [Epson RC+ 8.0] icon on the desktop.
Start Method 2
- Click the Windows [Start] button.
- Select [Epson RC+ 8.0]-[Epson RC+ 8.0].
Start Method 3
Configure Epson RC+ 8.0 to start automatically after Windows starts. See details below.
When using the RC+ API option, you do not need to start Epson RC+ 8.0. The library created with the RC+ API option will load Epson RC+ 8.0 automatically in the background.
You cannot start Epson RC+ among multiple Windows users. (Windows user switching is not supported.)