Using Command Line Options

Examples of command line options are:

Running from [Run]

You can specify a command from the Windows [Start] menu-[Run]-[Name] text box.


C:\EpsonRC80\exe\erc80.exe  /PROJECT "C:\EpsonRC80\projects\myapp"

Making startup icons for your projects

You can create icons that automatically start Epson RC+ 8.0 for different projects and start Auto or Program modes.

  1. Right click on your desktop and select [New]-[Shortcut].

  2. Click <Browse…> in the [Create Shortcut] dialog box.

    Select "C:\EpsonRC80\exe\erc80.exe" and click the [OK] button. After the dialog changes, click the [Next] button.

  3. Type a name for the shortcut and click [Finish].

  4. Right click the created icon and select [Properties]. Add an option such as "/AUTO" or "/PROG" to [Target:].