Command Line Options

For details on how to use, see below.

Using Command Line Options

There are command line options for the Epson RC+ 8.0 that provide the following functions:

Starting Epson RC+ 8.0 for a specific project

When you start the Epson RC+ 8.0, you can optionally specify a project name in the command line.

erc80.EXE  /PROJECT <PathToProjectFolder>
`PROJECT <PathToProjectFolder>`
The project name and the directory path to any project storage folder

Example: Open project myapp saved on the C drive: (At startup)

erc80.EXE  /PROJECT "C:\EpsonRC80\projects\myapp"

Change Epson RC+ 8.0 startup mode

You can select the startup mode and override the startup dialog using command line options.

  • To start in Program mode (no password required)

    erc80.EXE  /PROG
  • To start in Auto mode

    erc80.EXE  /AUTO

Use these command line options to override and hide the startup dialog and open the Operator Window directly.

If only the AUTO flag is supplied and the control device is PC, Epson RC+ 8.0 will open the project from the last session and display the operator window. Epson RC+ 8.0 will only be visible in the Windows Task Manager. When the operator window is closed, Epson RC+ 8.0 will be terminated.


When the control device is PC, you cannot close the operator window while tasks are running.

Example: Open project myapp on drive C and display the operator window:

erc80.EXE  /PROJECT "C:\EpsonRC80\projects\myapp" /AUTO

The Controller should be ON before starting Epson RC+ 8.0 with the /AUTO command line option. If Epson RC+ 8.0 cannot communicate with the controller, then an error message will be displayed with the [Retry] button.

See details below.

Operator Window


You can automatically login from the command line if you are not using the Auto Login feature for the security Option:

erc80.EXE /LOGIN "userID", "password"

This is especially useful when you are starting in operator mode.

If the user ID or password is invalid, it will display an error dialog and exit the Epson RC+ 8.0.

Starting Epson RC+ 8.0 specifying the language

You can specify the language to use in Epson RC+ 8.0 GUI.

  • Japanese: erc80.EXE /LANG_JAPANESE *1
  • English: erc80.EXE /LANG_ENGLISH
  • German: erc80.EXE /LANG_GERMAN *2
  • French: erc80.EXE /LANG_FRENCH *2
  • Spanish: erc80.EXE /LANG_SPANISH *2
  • Chinese (Simplified): erc80.EXE /LANG_CHINESESIMP *3
  • Chinese (Traditional): erc80.EXE /LANG_CHINESETRAD *3

*1 Available for Japanese OS

*2 Available for English, German, French, and Spanish OS

*3 Available for Chinese OS


The language specified at startup is a temporary setting. To set this by default, in the RC+ menu, set the language in [Setup]-[Preferences]-[Language Preferences]. See details below.

[Setup]-[Preferences]-[Language] Page

Disabling the Epson RC+ 8.0 splash window

You can suppress the splash window displayed at startup using the following syntax: