Executing the Force Monitor

To display the force of "pressing" operation on a graph, the following describes how to execute the force monitor.

  1. Select Epson RC+ menu-[Tools]-[Force Monitor]. The [Force Monitor] dialog box is displayed.
  2. Set the following items in [Live].
    Robot 1
    Force File Robot1_Force.frc
    Force Monitor Object FM1_Test
  3. Select the [Start Live] button. The Force Sensor values are displayed in the graph.
    When applying a force in the pressing direction, check that the Fz value changes. If the Fz value does not change and another axis value changes, refer to the following section and check the settings of the force coordinate system.
    Software Force Sensor Correction


When entering the safe guarded area in order to apply a force to the Force Sensor, ensure safety by safety measures such as setting the Manipulator to operation-prohibited status.

For details of safety, refer to the following manual.

"Epson RC+ 8.0 User's Guide"