AccelS Statement

Sets the acceleration and deceleration rates for the Straight Line and Continuous Path robot motion instructions such as Move, Arc, Arc3, Jump3, CVMove, etc.

(1) AccelS accel [, decel ] [, departAccel, departDecel, approAccel, approDecel]
(2) AccelS


Specify the acceleration for the straight line or CP motion as an real number (unit: mm/sec2). If decel is omitted, then accel is used to specify both the acceleration and deceleration rates.
Optional. Real expression represented in mm/sec2 units to define the deceleration value.
Optional. Real expression for depart acceleration value for Jump3, Jump3CP.
Optional. Real expression for depart deceleration value for Jump3, Jump3CP.
Optional. Real expression for approach acceleration value for Jump3, Jump3CP.
Specify the deceleration for the Jump3 and Jump3CP approach motion as an real number (unit: mm/sec2). Optional.

Valid entries range of the parameters (mm/sec2)

accel / decel

departAccel / departDecel

approAccel / approDecel

N2 0.1 to 5000
LS20-B, T series, VT series 0.1 to 10000
C4-*901 ** 0.1 to 15000
C4-*601**, C8-*1401**, G series, GX series, RS series, LS3-B, LS6-B, LS10-B, C8-*701**W, C8-*901**W, N6, C12 0.1 to 25000
C8-*701**, C8-*701**R, C8-*901**, C8-*901**R 0.1 to 35000

Return Values
Displays Accel and Decel values when used without parameters

When displays Accel and Decel values, displays adjusted Accel and Decel values according to the currently configured hand weight, for each accel, decel, departAccel, departDecel, approAccel, approDecel.

AccelS specifies the acceleration and deceleration for all interpolated type motions including linear and curved interpolations. This includes motion caused by the Move and Arc motion instructions.

The AccelS value initializes to the default values when any one of the following conditions occurs:

  • Controller Startup
  • Motor On
  • SFree, SLock, Brake
  • Reset or Reset Error is executed
  • Task end by STOP switch or Quit All


  • Executing the AccelS command in Low Power Mode (Power Low):

    If AccelS is executed when the robot is in low power mode (Power Low), the new values are stored, but the current values are limited to low values.

    The current acceleration values are in effect when Power is set to High, and Teach mode is OFF.

  • Accel vs. AccelS:

    It is important to note that the AccelS instruction does not set the acceleration and deceleration rates for point to point type motion. (i.e. motions initiated by the Go, Jump, and Pulse instructions.) The Accel instruction is used to set the acceleration and deceleration rates for Point to Point type motion.

  • Upper limit value

    The AccelS upper limit value of SCARA robots (including RS series manipulators) varies depending on Weight setting and the position of the spline unit. For more details, refer to the following manual.
    "Manipulator Manual - ACCELS Setting for CP Motions"

    The AccelS upper limit value of 6-Axis robots varies depending on Weight setting. For more details, refer to the following manual.
    "Manipulator Manual - Specifications"

See Also
Accel, Arc, Arc3, Jump3, Jump3CP, Power, Move, TMove, SpeedS

AccelS Statement Example
The following example shows a simple motion program where the straight line/continuous path acceleration (AccelS) and straight line/continuous path speed (SpeedS) are set using predefined variables.

Function acctest
  Integer slow, accslow, fast, accfast

  slow = 20        'set slow speed variable
  fast = 100       'set high speed variable
  accslow = 200    'set slow acceleration variable
  accfast = 5000   'set fast acceleration variable
  AccelS accslow
  SpeedS slow
  Move P1
  On 1
  AccelS accfast
  SpeedS fast
  Jump P2