Arm Statement

Selects or displays the arm number to use.

(1) Arm armNumber
(2) Arm


Specify an integer value or an expression. Valid range is from 0 to 15. The user may select up to 16 different arms. Arm 0 is the standard (default) robot arm. Arm 1 to 15 are auxiliary arms defined by using the ArmSet instruction. When omitted, the current arm number is displayed.

Return Values
When the Arm instruction is executed without parameters, the system displays the current arm number.

Allows the user to specify which arm to use for robot instructions. Arm allows each auxiliary arm to use common position data. If no auxiliary arms are installed, the standard arm (arm number 0) operates. Since at time of delivery the arm number is specified as “0”, it is not necessary to use the Arm instruction to select an arm. However, if auxiliary arms are used they must first defined with the ArmSet instruction.

The auxiliary arm configuration capability is provided to allow users to configure the proper robot parameters for their robots when the actual robot configuration is a little different than the standard robot. This will allow the auxiliary arm to function properly under the following conditions:

  • Specifying that a single data point be moved through by 2 or more arms.
  • Using Pallet
  • Using Continuous Path motion
  • Using relative position specifications
  • Using Local coordinates

For SCARA robots (including RS series) with rotating joints used with a Cartesian coordinate system, joint angle calculations are based on the parameters defined by the ArmSet parameters. Therefore, this command is critical if any auxiliary arm or hand definition is required.

Robot parameter data is stored in compact flash in controller. Therefore, writing to command flash occurs when executing this command. Frequent writing to compact flash affect to lifetime of compact flash. We recommend to use this command minimally.


  • Arm 0

    Arm 0 cannot be defined or changed by the user through the ArmSet instruction. It is reserved since it is used to define the standard robot configuration. When the user sets Arm to “0”, this means to use the standard robot arm parameters.

  • Using the Arm Length Calibration Option

    Applies the arm length calibration value to Arm 0 and automatically switches to Arm 0 when ArmCalib is turned On. Use Arm 0 to apply the arm length calibration value when moving the robot. The arm length calibration value will not be applied even if ArmCalib is On when using an arm number other than Arm 0.

    To use standard robot arm parameters, use Arm 0 with ArmCalib turned Off.

  • Arm Number Not Defined

    Selecting auxiliary arm numbers that have not been defined by the ArmSet command will result in an error.

See Also
ArmClr, ArmSet, ECPSet, TLSet, ArmCalibSet

Arm Statement Example
The following examples are potential auxiliary arm definitions using the ArmSet and Arm instructions. ArmSet defines the auxiliary arm and Arm defines which Arm to use as the current arm. (Arm 0 is the default robot arm and cannot be adjusted by the user.)

From the command window:

> ArmSet 1, 300, -12, -30, 300, 0
> ArmSet
  arm0 250  0  0  300  0
  arm1 300  -12  -30  300  0

> Arm 0
> Jump P1    'Jump to P1 using the Standard Arm Config
> Arm 1
> Jump P1    'Jump to P1 using auxiliary arm 1