Asc Function

Returns the ASCII code of the first character in a character string. (Returns the character code in a decimal number.)



Specify a string of one or more characters, either as a string expression or as a direct string.

Return Values
Returns an integer representing the ASCII code of the first character in the string sent to the Asc function.

The Asc function is used to convert a character to its ASCII numeric representation. The character string send to the ASC function may be a constant or a variable.


  • Only the First Character ASCII Value is Returned

    Although the Asc instruction allows character strings larger than 1 character in length, only the 1st character is actually used by the Asc instruction. Asc returns the ASCII value of the 1st character only.

See Also
Chr$, InStr, Left$, Len, Mid$, Right$, Space$, Str$, Val

Asc Function Example
This example uses the Asc instruction in a program and from the command window as follows:

Function asctest
    Integer a, b, c
    a = Asc("a")
    b = Asc("b")
    c = Asc("c")
    Print "The ASCII value of a is ", a
    Print "The ASCII value of b is ", b
    Print "The ASCII value of c is ", c

From the command window:

>print asc("a")
>print asc("b")