JointAccuracy Statement
Sets and displays the joint accuracy offset values.
(1) JointAccuracy jointNumber, settingValue1, settingValue2, settingValue3, settingValue4
(2) JointAccuracy jointNumber
- jointNumber
- Specify the joint number.
- settingValue1
- Specify the first setting value (integer) as a numerical value. The value is within a range of 0 to 2000.
- Second Parameter Value
- Specify the second setting value (integer) as a numerical value. The value is within a range of 0 to 999.
- Third Parameter Value
- Specify the third setting value (integer) as a numerical value. The value is within a range of 0 to 2000.
- Fourth Parameter Value
- Specify the fourth setting value (integer) as a numerical value. The value is within a range of 0 to 999.
Joints compatible with joint accuracy offset settings vary from manipulator to manipulator. Setting joint accuracy offset settings on a joint that does not support it will result in an error. For more information about compatible joints, refer to the following manual:
"Manipulator Manual"
Return Values
In the case of syntax (2), it displays the current joint accuracy offset corresponding to the joint number.
JointAccuracy sets the offset value for the specified joint. Setting the offset value properly will improve robot trajectory accuracy.
Do not change JointAccuracy unless absolutely necessary.
JointAccuracy contains factory settings that have been precisely set. Changing this value unnecessarily may adversely impact trajectory accuracy. JointAccuracy is set automatically when running the calibration wizard. Do not change JointAccuracy unless absolutely necessary.
Using Calib and Hofs
Running the Calib and Hofs commands when JointAccuracy is set will return the joint accuracy offset value for the altered joint to “0”. To change the Hofs value without changing the JointAccuracy offset value, run HofsJointAccuracy.
See Also
HofsJointAccuracy, Calib, Hofs
JointAccuracy Statement Example
The following is a simple example using the Command window. In this example, the joint accuracy offset value for Joint #1 is set to “1000” for the first setting value, “420” for the second setting value, “100” for the third setting value, and “240” for the fourth setting value. Once set, the current joint accuracy offset value is displayed for Joint #1.
> JointAccuracy 1, 1000, 420, 100, 240
> JointAccuracy 1
1000, 420, 100, 240