Jump3, Jump3CP Statements
3D gate motion.
Jump3 is a combination of two CP motions and one PTP motion.
Jump3CP is a combination of three CP motions.
(1) Jump3 depart, approach, destination [, CarchNumber] [, CP] [, LJM [, orientationFlag]] [, searchExpr] [, !...!] [, SYNC]
(2) Jump3CP depart, approach, destination [, ROT] [, CarchNumber] [, CP] [, LJM [, orientationFlag]] [, searchExpr] [, !...!] [, SYNC]
- depart
- The departure point above the current position using a point expression.
- approach
- Specify a point of approach starting point above the target coordinates.
- destination
- Specifies the point at which the target coordinates of the operation are to be reached.
- Optional. :Decides the speed/acceleration/deceleration in favor of tool rotation.
- archNumber
- The arch number (archNumber) specifies which Arch Table entry to use for the Arch type motion caused by the Jump3 instruction. archNumber must always be proceeded by the letter C. (Valid entries are C0 to C7.) The arch number is optional.
- CP
- Specify the path motion. Optional.
- Convert the depart point, approach point, and target destination using LJM function. Optional.
- orientationFlag
- Specify a parameter that selects an orientation flag for LJM function. Optional.
- Sense | Till | Find
- Optional. A Sense, Till or Find expression.
Sense | Till | Find Sense Sw(expr) = {On | Off} Till Sw(expr) = {On | Off} Find Sw(expr) = {On | Off}
- ! Parallel Processing !
- Parallel Processing statements can be added to the Jump3 and Jump3CP instruction to cause I/O and other commands to execute during motion.
- Reserves a motion command. The robot will not move until SyncRobots is executed.
Moves the arm from the current position to the destination point with 3D gate motion. 3D gate motion consists of depart motion, span motion, and approach motion. The depart motion form the current position to the depart point is always CP motion. The span motion from the depart point to the start approach point is PTP motion in Jump3, and the CP motion in Jump3CP. The approach motion from the starting approach point to the target point is always CP motion.
Symbol | Description |
a | Current position |
b | Depart motion CP |
c | depart |
d | Span motion PTP/CP |
e | approach |
f | Approach motion CP |
g | Destination point |
Arch motion is achieved by specifying the arch number.
The arch motion for Jump3, Jump3CP is as shown in the figure below.
For arch motion to occur, the Depart distance must be greater than the arch upward distance and the Approach distance must be greater than the arch downward distance.
Symbol | Description |
a | Depart Distance |
b | ARCH Upward |
c | depart |
d | approach |
e | Approach Distance |
f | ARCH downward |
Jump3CP uses the SpeedS speed value and AccelS acceleration and deceleration values. Refer to Using Jump3CP with CP below on the relation between the speed/acceleration and the acceleration/deceleration. If, however, the ROT modifier parameter is used, Jump3CP uses the SpeedR speed value and AccelR acceleration and deceleration values. In this case SpeedS speed value and AccelS acceleration and deceleration value have no effect.
Usually, when the move distance is 0 and only the tool orientation is changed, an error will occur. However, by using the ROT parameter and giving priority to the acceleration and the deceleration of the tool rotation, it is possible to move without an error. When there is not an orientational change with the ROT modifier parameter and movement distance is not 0, an error will occur.
Also, when the tool rotation is large as compared to move distance, and when the rotation speed exceeds the specified speed of the manipulator, an error will occur. In this case, please reduce the speed or append the ROT modifier parameter to give priority to the rotational speed/acceleration/deceleration.
LimZ does not affect Jump3 and Jump3CP
LimZ has no effect on Jump3 or Jump3CP since the span motion is not necessarily perpendicular to the Z axis of the coordinate system.
Jump3 span motion is PTP (point to point)
It is difficult to predict Jump3 span motion trajectory. Therefore, be careful that the robot doesn't collide with peripheral equipment and that robot arms don’t collide with the robot.
Using Jump3, Jump3CP with CP
The CP parameter causes the arm to move to destination without decelerating or stopping at the point defined by destination. This is done to allow the user to string a series of motion instructions together to cause the arm to move along a continuous path while maintaining a specified speed throughout all the motion. The Jump3 and Jump3CP instructions without CP always cause the arm to decelerate to a stop prior to reaching the point destination.
Pass function of Jump3
When the CP parameter is specified for Jump3 with 0 approach motion, the Jump3 span motion does not decelerate to a stop but goes on smoothly to the next PTP motion.
When the CP parameter is specified for a PTP motion command right before Jump3 with 0 depart motion, the PTP motion does not decelerate to a stop but connects smoothly with the Jump3 span motion.
This is useful when you want to replace the span motion of Jump3 (a PTP motion) with several PTP motions.
Pass function of Jump3CP
When the CP parameter is specified for Jump3CP with 0 approach motion, the Jump3CP span motion does not decelerate to a stop but goes on smoothly to the next CP motion.
When the CP parameter is specified for a CP motion command right before Jump3CP with 0 depart motion, the CP motion does not decelerate to a stop but connects smoothly with the Jump3CP span motion.
This is useful when you want to replace the span motion of Jump3CP (a CP motion) with several CP motions.
(Example 1)
Jump3 P1,P2,P2 CP Go P3,P4 CP Jump3 P4,P5,P5+tlz(50)
(Example 2)
Jump3CP P1,P2,P2 CP Move P3,P4 CP Jump3CP P4,P5,P5+tlz(50)
Using Jump3, Jump3CP with LJM
With LJM parameter, the program using LJM function can be more simple.
For example, the following four-line program
P11 = LJM(P1, Here, 2) P12 = LJM(P2, P11, 2) P13 = LJM(P3, P12, 2) Jump3 P11, P12, P13
can be… the one-line program.
Jump3 P1, P2, P3 LJM 2
LJM parameter is available for 6-axis (including N series) and RS series robots.
Jump3CP span motion is straight line (CP) motion and it cannot switch the wrist orientation along the way. Therefore, do not use the orientationFlag (LJM 1) of LJM function which is able to switch the wrist orientation.
Caution for Arch motion
Jump3 Motion trajectory changes depending on motion and speed. It is not a continuous path trajectory. The actual JumpTLZ trajectory of arch motion is not determined by Arch parameters alone. It also depends on motion and speed. Always use care when optimizing JumpTLZ trajectory in your applications.
Execute Jump3 with the desired motion and speed to verify the actual trajectory. When speed is lower, the trajectory will be lower.
If Jump3 is executed with high speed to verify an arch motion trajectory, the end effector may crash into an obstacle with lower speed. In a Jump3 trajectory, the depart distance increases and the approach distance decreases when the motion speed is set high. When the approach distance of the trajectory is shorter than the expected, lower the speed and/or the deceleration, or change the approach distance to be larger.
Even if Jump commands with the same distance and speed are executed, the trajectory is affected by motion of the robot arms.
Potential acceleration errors
When the majority of depart (approach) motion uses the same joint as the span motion
An acceleration error may occur during an arch motion execution by the Jump3 and Jump3CP commands. This error is issued frequently when the majority of the motion during depart or approach uses the same joint as the span motion. To avoid this error, reduce the acceleration/deceleration speed of the span motion using Accel command for Jump3 or using AccelS command for Jump3CP. Depending on the motion and orientation of the robot, it may also help to reduce the acceleration and deceleration of the depart motion (approach motion) using the AccelS command.
See Also
Accel, Arc, Arch, Go, JS, JT, Point Expression, Pulse, Sense, Speed, Stat, Till
Jump3 Statement Example
' 6 axis robot (including N series) motion which works like Jump of SCARA robot
Jump3 Here :Z(100), P3 :Z(100), P3
' Depart and approach use Z tool coordinates
Jump3 Here -TLZ(100), P3 -TLZ(100), P3
' Depart uses base Z and approach uses tool Z
Jump3 Here +Z(100), P3 -TLZ(100), P3
Example for the depart motion from P1 in Tool 1 and the approach motion to P3 in Tool 2
Arch 0,20,20
Tool 1
Go P1
P2 = P1 -TLZ(100)
Tool 2
Jump3 P2, P3-TLZ(100), P3 C0