Power Statement

Switches Power Mode to High or Low.

(1) Power { High | Low }​ [, Forced]


High | Low
The setting can be High or Low. The default is Low.
This value is optional. This parameter is usually omitted.

Return Values
Displays the current Power status when parameter is omitted.

Switches Power Mode to High or Low. It also displays the current mode status.

  • Low: When Power is set to Low, Low Power Mode is On. This means that the robot will run slow (below 250 mm/sec) and the servo stiffness is set light so as to remove servo power if the robot bumps into an object.
  • High: When Power is set to High, Low Power Mode is Off. This means that the robot can run at full speed with the full servo stiffness.

The following operations will switch to low power mode. In this case, speed and acceleration settings will be limited to the default value. The default value is described in the each manipulator specification table. Also refer to the following manual:
"Epson RC+ User’s Guide - Safety"

Conditions to cause Power Low:

  • Controller Startup
  • Motor On
  • SFree, SLock, Brake
  • Reset or Reset Error is executed
  • Task end by STOP switch or Quit All

Settings limited to the default value

  • Speed
  • Accel
  • SpeedS
  • AccelS


  • Low Power Mode (Power Low) and Its Effect on Max Speed:

    In low power mode, motor power is limited, and effective motion speed setting is lower than the default value. If, when in Low Power mode, a higher speed is specified from the Command window (directly) or in a program, the speed is set to the default value. If a higher speed motion is required, set Power High.

    If you switched to low power mode while the manipulator operating in high power mode, overspeed error or low power torque error may occur.

  • High Power Mode (Power High) and Its Effect on Max Speed:

    In high power mode, higher speeds than the default value can be set.

  • Forced Flag

    The power mode can be changed during robot operation (including the pause state).

    If the mode is switched to high power mode while the robot is moving in low power mode, the subsequent motion will be changed to high speed with the specified speed.

    If the mode is switched to low power mode while the robot is moving in high power mode, the overspeed error or low power torque error may occur.

    Stop the robot and specify the Forced flag to switch to low power mode.

See Also
Accel, AccelS, Speed, SpeedS

Power Statement Example
The following examples are executed from the command window:

> Speed 50        'Specifies high speed in Low Power mode

> Accel 100, 100  'Specifies high accel

> Jump P1         'Moves in low speed and low accel

> Speed           'Displays current speed values
Low Power Mode
   50     50

> Accel           'Displays current accel values
Low Power Mode
   100    100
   100    100
   100    100

> Power High      'Sets high power mode

> Jump P2         'Moves robot at high speed