Pulse Statement
Moves the robot arm using point to point motion to the point specified by the pulse values for each joint.
(1) Pulse J1, J2, J3, J4 , [J5, J6] , [J7] , [J8, J9]
(2) Pulse
- J1, J2, J3, J4
- First specify the pulse values for each of the four joints. The pulse value must be within the range defined by the Range instruction and should be an integer or long expression.
- J5, J6
- Optional. For 6-axis robots (including N series) and Joint type 6-axis robots.
- J7
- Optional. For Joint type 7-axis robots.
- J8, J9
- Optional. For the additional axis.
Return Values
When parameters are omitted, the pulse values for the current robot position are displayed.
Pulse uses the joint pulse value from the zero pulse position to represent the robot arm position, rather than the orthogonal coordinate system. The Pulse instruction moves the robot arm using Point to Point motion.
The Range instruction sets the upper and lower limits used in the Pulse instruction.
Make Sure Path is Obstacle Free Before Using Pulse
Unlike Jump, Pulse moves all axes simultaneously, including Z joint raising and lowering in traveling to the target position. Therefore, when using Pulse, take extreme care so that the hand can move through an obstacle free path.
Potential Error
Pulse value exceeds limit:
If the pulse value specified in Pulse instruction exceeds the limit set by the Range instruction, an error will occur.
See Also
Go, Accel, Range, Speed, Pls, Pulse Function
Pulse Statement Example
Following are examples on the Command window:
This example moves the robot arm to the position which is defined by each joint pulse.
> pulse 16000, 10000, -100, 10
This example displays the pulse numbers of 1st to 4th axes of the current robot arm position.
> pulse
PULSE: 1: 27306 pls 2: 11378 pls 3: -3072 pls 4: 1297 pls