PTPBoost Statement

Specifies or displays the acceleration, deceleration and speed algorithmic boost parameter for small distance PTP (point to point) motion.

(1) PTPBoost boost [, departBoost] [, approBoost]

(2) PTPBoost


Specify the adjustment setting value (an integer from 0 to 100) as an expression or numeric value.
Optional. Jump depart boost value. Integer expression from 0 to 100.
Optional. Jump approach boost value. Integer expression from 0 to 100.

Return Values
When parameters are omitted, the current PTPBoost settings are displayed.

PTPBoost sets the acceleration, deceleration and speed for small distance PTP motion. It is effective only when the motion distance is small. The PTPBoostOK function can be used to confirm whether or not a specific motion distance to the destination is small enough to be affected by PTPBoost or not.

PTPBoost does not need modification under normal circumstances. Use PTPBoost only when you need to shorten the cycle time even if vibration becomes larger, or conversely when you need to reduce vibration even if cycle time becomes longer.

When the PTPBoost value is large, cycle time becomes shorter, but the positioning vibration increases. When PTPBoost is small, the positioning vibration becomes smaller, but cycle time becomes longer. Specifying inappropriate PTPBoost causes errors or can damage the manipulator. This may degrade the robot, or sometimes cause the manipulator life to shorten.

The PTPBoost value initializes to its default value when any one of the following is performed:

  • Controller Startup
  • Motor On
  • SFree, SLock, Brake
  • Reset or Reset Error is executed
  • Task end by STOP switch or Quit All

See Also
PTPBoost Function, PTPBoostOK

PTPBoost Statement Example

PTPBoost 50, 30, 30