Robot Monitoring Range for a 6-Axis Manipulator

The robot monitoring ranges for the Safety Limited Position of a 6-Axis Manipulator are in four locations: a sphere centered on Joint #2 (J2, Robot Monitored Range 1), a sphere centered on Joint #3 (J3, Robot Monitored Range 2), a sphere centered on Joint #5 (J5, Robot Monitored Range 3), and a sphere centered on Joint #6 (J6, Robot Monitored Range 4). These robot monitoring ranges are set in Safety Function Manager. The minimum values that can be set are defined by the type of Manipulator.
Safety Limited Position (SLP) monitors whether the set monitoring range exceeds the Monitored Areas set by the coordinate system in which the robot is installed.

With Safety Limited Position (SLP) of a 6-Axis Manipulator, the robot installation position offset (Xofs, Yofs, Zofs) in the robot coordinate system XR-YR-ZR and the robot installation plane rotation (Urot, Vrot, Wrot) are set based on the coordinate system XW, YW-ZW where the robot is installed.