Joint Angle Limit

Outline and Operation Patterns for Joint Angle Limit

Joint Angle Limit is a function that monitors the robot's joint angles. If the system detects that the robot exceeded the motion range, Safe Torque OFF (STO) is immediately executed and the robot is stopped. For details on the status, display, and notification of the Robot Controller when stopped by the safety function, refer to the following.
Precautions for Using the Robot Controller Safety Functions

Joint Angle Limit is a safety function option.

Operation modes and enabling/disabling Joint Angle Limit
When the operation mode is AUTO, TEST T1, or TEST T2, patterns* that use the narrow range based on the rotation angle or vertical movement of an axis of the robot as the operating range can be assigned.
*: When using SLS_1 as the Joint Angle Limit

When the operation mode is TEACH, Joint Angle Limit is always disabled.

Joint Angle Limit Pattern

Enable or disable for each operation mode

B: Enable or disable based on safety inputs

-: Always disable

Optional safety functions SLS_1 * B - B B

*: Case where a pattern setting the narrow range based on the rotation angle or vertical movement of an axis of the robot as the operating range for monitoring is assigned to SLS_1.

Relationship between Joint Angle Limit and the STO statement
If the system detects that either the rotation angle or vertical movement of an axis of the robot exceeded the motion range, Safe Torque OFF (STO) is immediately executed and the robot is stopped. For details on the status, display, and notification of the Robot Controller when stopped by the safety function, refer to the following.
Precautions for Using the Robot Controller Safety Functions