Working with the samples

You can operate a robot easily using the samples provided.

Follow the steps below:

  • Connect with a sample virtual controller (robot)
  • Open a project
  • Display the [Robot Simulator] window
  • Operate the robot by executing the program
  • Next step
  1. Connect with the virtual controller

    Select "C4-B Sample" from the Epson RC+ 8.0 toolbar [Connection] list box. When the connection is complete, the [Connection] list box shows "C4-B Sample".

  2. Open a project

    1. Click [Open...] from [Project] on Epson RC+ 8.0 menu.

    2. Select [Projects]-[SimulatorDemos]-[C4_B_Sample].

    3. Click the [Open] button. The [Robot Simulator] window appears.

  3. Display the [Robot Simulator] window

    Click the  [Simulator] button on the toolbar. The [Robot Simulator] window appears.

  4. Operate the robot by executing the program

    1. From the tool bar, click the  [Run Window] button. The project will be built and the [Run] window will appear.

    2. Click the [Start] button. When the message "Are you ready to start?" appears, click [Yes]. The program starts and the robot moves in the 3D display.

  5. Next step

If you want to change the sample, follow the Steps 5 to 7 below. If you want to create your own system, start from Step 1.

Working with the user created system

If you want to change the sample virtual controller, see below and change the copied sample.

Virtual controller - "Copy the sample or configured virtual controller"